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"Well. It seems you haven't done your job well enough, officer. I told you to eliminate Doyle, not injure her. Is there something I'm forgetting?"

Jake banged against the glass of Ferguson's isolation cell in anger, frustrated at the evil woman behind him. "Look, I thought pushing her down all those stairs would break her neck. I even choked her for good measure. " Ferguson tssked disapprovingly. "Well you are going to have to get into that hospital and finish her off. We all know what the consequences shall be should you not hold up your end of our...deal. "

"Yeah well you better hold up your end of the deal too. Or I swear I'll drag you down with me." He snarled. "I am a woman of my word. Now leave, and next time bring me some fruit tarts. I've become quite accustomed to the ones in the cafeteria." Jake rolled his eyes and walked out, an intense hate brewing in his veins toward Joan Ferguson. He could just disappear himself, fly to another country- Brazil maybe- all his problems would go away with him. But he couldn't leave, not without Vera. He had a good thing going with her, that as well as a good job, apartment, even a pet cat. But of course something just had to go wrong, with that problem being Ferguson. Instead of killing Franky, he should of just done everyone a favour and killed ferguson. Would of saved everybody alot of grief. He walked straight in to the staff meeting a minute or two late, Vera's eyebrows raising at his lateness. "Okay, now everyone's here, we have yesterdays incident to discuss. I have contacted the board who have requested an investigation into the events with Francesca Doyle. " Jake blanched as Vera continued. "Which, I know may be inconvenient, but requires all of you, even off shift, to write a report stating where you were etcetera. "

"What, you reckon it was an officer?"

Vera narrowed in on Jake, as if silencing him. "At this point I have no idea, as we have no leads whatsoever unless Doyle wakes up. The fact that all the camera systems on that floor were disabled within that timeframe suggest that it could have been officer interference, but I'm praying that none of you are involved. However if you do have any information, now is the time to say it."

There was a quiet mummur around the room before jake spoke again. "Well, Novak was seen with her when she was found. Doesn't it mean she did it?" Jake tried to be cunning. Certified Officer of the law versus Drug addicted Prisoner? It was obvious which would be the more likely candidate for an assassination attempt on on of the co top dogs.  "We have no evidence to suggest that it was Novak that assaulted Doyle, which is why we are putting her back in general via her request." Jake leaned back in his chair slightly pissed, hoping the seed had been planted and Allie would be convicted. "Now saving the best for last, we need a shift of officers to be stationed at Doyle's bedside. Any volunteers?" Jake jumped up immediately. "I'll do It!" Everyone in the room turned to stare at him. "Cause, you know- change of scenery. I'd give a leg to just sit around all day. "

Vera nodded but gave him a look. She'd miss their 'close' encounters during the day. "Right, that's settled then. You go get Melarosa from isolation and escort her to the van, where you and Will can go to the hospital. The rest of you, draw up a roster and get back to work. "

The officers began to clear out and Jake stopped by the door. "Why is Melarosa coming?" Vera rummaged around in her desk. "She filed a request to assist Doyle, I approved and sent it to the board last night. It was approved this morning. " Jake clenched his jaw and walked out, pissed at Vera's stupid interference.


Alex was pleasantly surprised when she was let out of the slot by Mr Jackson, on the way receiving gift upon gifts to take to Franky from all of the woman. Handmade flowers from Bea, knitting from Liz, bikkies from boomer. Even Kaz offered her condolences, but Alex was taking none of that. Clothes and possessions packed, Alex was ready to leave and see Franky. The only question was, was she really ready? She had no time to think any more about it, let alone protest once Mr Jackson called for her to hurry up as they were leaving. "Talk about unnecessary." She complained once outside, as Jake slapped a pair of cuffs on her. "What, you think I'm going to do a runner, when you're both right here? Get over yourselves.'' She said rolling her eyes as she was shoved into the back of the van forcefully. "Jesus Jacob, watch it. No need to be bloody rough," She frowned at him as he got in the back with her, Will driving. "Just shut your mouth Melarosa, and we'll be fine. You've already caused enough trouble today." He said huffing. Alex wondered what his problem was. "Huh? What trouble? You only just let me out!"

Jake ignored her and said nothing the rest of the trip to the hospital. Once there, they escorted her in to an isolation ward, where normal security officers were stationed. At the show of their badges, the trio were waved in and the guards dissapeared. Pulling back the curtain, Alex gasped in horror at the terrible mess that was Franky Doyle. Her body could only be described as black and blue, red and swollen. Swathes of needles and bandages contained her, appearance topped off by the purple slightly indented hand prints circling her neck. Alex dropped her bag and ran toward Franky, pulling up a chair and immediately holding her hand. Jake and Will stood at the far end of the room, observing quietly, until the doctor came in. "What's the verdict?" Alex piped up. The doctor chuckled at her unintended pun. "Well, the injuries suffered by Ms Doyle were quite severe. A dislocated shoulder, fractured wrist, several broken ribs, some sprained joints, lacerations, severe bruising and we have concerns of injury to the head and neck area, which will be checked in an X-ray and MRI later today, although we will not know the full extent of her injuries should she wake up."

Alex looked at him horrified. "What, so she could be a vegetable? A cripple? What?!"

"Like I said, we do not know the full extent. The loss of oxygen to the brain during asphyxiation and cardiac arrest, combined with the height and type of the fall suggest that it is extremely likely that Ms Doyle will unfortunately, suffer from a traumatic brain injury. The only thing that'll help her now is a miracle."

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