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The day started out normal for the inmates at wentworth correctional facility, at least, as normal as being in prison could get. There was no hum in the air, no secretive plotting or anything suspicious, nothing that would leave a trace of what was to happen later on in the day. Alex sat at her usual place with just Liz and Doreen, the three being more or less excluded from the new clique that had formed at the 'it' table, where Franky and the other girls sat. If Alex didn't know any better, she'd think the whole thing was a plot out of a typical American teenage highschool movie, popular kids and outcasts alike.

It was only as work duties were midway through that trouble started. The cameras were turned as the officer on duty left the room, leaving the women to fend for themselves, literally. Alex was on the steampress, watching confusedly as the women did this. "Hey! What's going on?"

No one answered her as they slunk into the edges of the room, Franky standing in the center a few meters from her. "Uh, Franky? What's happening?"

Franky stalked forward a little, reaching into the waistband of her teal trousers producing a shiv. "Well princess, as much as I don't want to do this, its called a fight. I'm challenging you for the position of top dog. " Alex's eyes widened a considerable amount as Franky came at her wielding the sharpened metal, slashing a long cut down her cheek. With barely enough time to React and no weapon to defend herself with, she kicked Franky away from her and began running circles around the room. "Boomer! A little help would be nice!"

Boomer looked at her guiltily. "Its um, not my place ay,"

Alex dodged a lunge from Franky, narrowly missing a cut to her thigh. "It fucking is when your supposed to be in my goddamned crew and the crazy bitch has got a fucking knife! Fucking get me some form of a fucking weapon!"

Her cussing went unnoticed as boomer and the other inmates ignored her and hooted instead. She hissed in pain as Franky tackled her into a dryer, where they exchanged hits and grunts, a slash here and there. Again Alex broke free after tripping the ebony haired girl, once again stumbling away from her. Franky let out a frustrated cry. "Why won't you fucking fight me! Stop running away!"

Alex shoved her away when Franky went for her hair, sending the girl sprawling. "Because I don't want to fucking hurt you! Your still recovering from nearly dying, so excuse me for caring!" She took a punch to the jaw. "And I can't hurt my best friend and the person I'm in love with! There! I said it! Its just a shame your such a bitch now your back to your old self!"

Franky stopped moving, looking sincere for a second. "You love me?" Alex nodded as the room held their breath. "I- c'mere. " Franky smiled and held her arms out for what looked like a hug. Alex grinned and walked right into it, obviously not seeing the truth behind the deceit until she was on the floor pinned underneath Franky, with a blade to her neck. "You walked right into that one, literally."

The women were wooping and hollering, shouting demands for Franky to cut her, finish her, all sorts of insults directed her way. It dawned on Alex then. Had she become so blinded in her time here, that she actually thought these women were her friends? Loyal to her, willing to protect her, rather than see her demise? She had been sorely mistaken. You can't tame a wild animal.  She thought, the quote echoing in her mind as she looked around defeatedly. She looked up at the girl above her, who had hardly a scratch unlike herself and was reminded of the unfairness of it all. This girl above her, she did not know. This girl showed no remorse to what had just occurred, no emotion present whatsoever apart from the triumphant grin of victory as she looked at the crowd cheering her name.  By then Alex had had enough. Weeks and weeks of locked away emotions that had been festering, bubbling, were now readying to burst into one wild mess of resentment, anger, sadness, frustration and stress. And like a fire breathing demon from hell, horns sharp, teeth bared and steam billowing out it's ears, Alex leapt up with a cry and launched herself on a surprised Franky, toppling over onto the polished concrete floor.

Franky's eyes only widened by the second at the writhing, wrestling struggle between them, the fight for dominance over the other a losing battle. And then it was over. Franky's chest heaved as she was pinned, blood trickling from above her brow and pouring like rain from her nose, unable to move for fear the shiv at her neck would break the skin. Alex leaned down so they were face to face. "If you wanted to be top dog, you should have just asked. I would have gladly given it to you because it is the worst fucking job ever. "  Alex clenched her jaw and rose slightly, taking the pressure off of Franky's chest. " And it really is nice to know where loyalty stands. Especially among supposed friends. "She looked pointedly at boomer, who mentally flinched. "Anyway. I'm sick of this shitty job. And I'm not letting Franky take the wrap for any of you fuckers. So you can all listen to kaz now." Alex stood up and dusted off her clothes as the room watched her in shock. Kaz pinched herself as everyone looked at her. "Me?"

"Yes you, I don't see any other fucking Kazs here, do you?" Alex threw her the shiv as if handing over the power visibly. "There. Merry Christmas. Your top dog now, I quit. Fight her, not me, cause I am done with this shit." Alex said irritatedly as she stepped over Franky and began walking toward the door, just as the siren to signal the end of work duties ended.

Still, the room was silent.

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