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🔝 can I just say how awesome diletta strange's art work is 😍


It had been two months.

Two months since the fight between Franky and Alex for topdog and Kaz had risen to power. Alex's official murder trial was coming up in a few weeks time, yet she'd all but given up on even attempting to investigate further into anything that could possibly help her.

All in all, she'd given up hope.

Which is how Alex's thoughts began wandering into deeper, darker places in her mind, hands itching to delve back into old habits. In all truth, she didn't really see the point in sticking around any longer than necessary, prison was more of a shithole now than when she was first sent there. Kaz was not strict enough when it came to her rule. Violence to each other was apparently a no-no, there were no punishments for anything, which in turn brought an influx of drugs into the facility, with more than half of the inmates off their faces.

The most recent being Leena.

Alex hadn't spoken to her in a while, since she'd been transferred to another block. She regretted not seeing her too, with being the only friend the girl had since Tasha had been released early on parole.

So when she saw her for the first time in ages while she was walking through the halls, Alex was beyond horrified at what the girl had become. Now a dull eyed, dull haired, scrawny mess with visible needle marks on her pale skin, prison had treated her badly. Alex tried getting her attention to no avail. The girl shrugged her off, ignoring her completely.

Again Alex was beyond hurt. Again her mind wandered into shadowy depths. Again, again and again. She couldn't help it; there was no one to turn to anymore. Bea and Allie were too loved up to notice anyone or anything. Liz was preoccupied with something sketchy, always meeting up with Doreen and some cop she'd happened to see laughing with Liz in the meeting room. Franky was unreachable. As for the rest of them, Alex wasn't close to anyone really. And even if she'd thought about seeing a shrink, she knew it wouldnt help her. Not to mention her strong hate for Ms Westfall. God that woman was a traitor.

And to make matters even worse as if they weren't already bad enough, Joan Ferguson had been released into general for the second time since the attack on Bea. Mostly everyone avoided her, yet that sure didn't stop her from fucking with peoples heads, even with just a sentence. A word. Even a look would set some people off, but Ferguson would just smile cruelly, calculatingly, as some people were carried off to the slot kicking and screaming blue murder.

As common as it was lately, Alex was on edge as per usual. Her skin had been achingly itchy for the past few days, more so than usual. So who was she to resist temptation? A little cut here, maybe there, wouldn't hurt anyone. Well, maybe her, but it helped her cope with the overwhelming emotional overload that was caused by this shitty place. Coping was one thing.

But what happenes when you can't cope anymore?

It was Saturday. Saturdays were relatively normal, the same old boring bullshit that happened every other week, with little to no change in routine for anyone, bar the exception of work duties which they didn't have to perform on weekends. So yes, it was hella boring.

As per usual.

So Alex did her 'usual' Saturday routine. Wake up. Count. Breakfast. Shower. Library. Count. Lunch. Library again. Gym. Yard. Count. Dinner. Watch TV. Count. Sleep.

And do the exact same shit on Sunday. And then next weekend. And the weekend after that, and so on. It really was tiring, mentally draining if you will.

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