I'm Not Messing Around, I Don't Think This is Legal!

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Leader Maxie stared blankly at me from across the room.

"While we do forbid workplace relationships, I see no reason to interfere when it comes to anything outside of work. Just keep that in mind, and there shouldn't be a problem."

I let out a deep sigh of relief.


I sucked a bunch of air back in.

"Do refrain from making a mockery of your superiors or impersonating them in the future."

Admin Courtney death-glared at me from behind him.

"I'm very sorry sir!" I stressfully yelled, bowing in respect.

"So, you mentioned that your suitor is the child from before, correct?"

"Huh? Uh, yessir..." I replied uneasily.

"That boy has potential. Seems you have a good eye for men."


"You may leave."

That's it? Huh.

Leader, he's like a dad, ya know?

-Admin Courtney's POV-

The Great Leader Maxie sat the desk after he had just sent away that Grunt who so rudely made a mockery of me! Very few things got under my skin, but that was unforgivable!

He spoke after she left.

"Now that the organization's been reformed, I suppose these sorts of things do happen."

There was silence for a second before I took the first step.

"Leader Maxie... Do you... Have anybody you like?"

"I do."

My heart leaped slightly in my chest.

"Who... is it?"


My eyes widened, and just before I was able to crack a small smile, he said more.

"Also Tabitha."

My eye twitched violently at the shocking news.

Tabitha!? I wouldn't mind sharing the Great Leader with someone, but Tabitha!? There's no way Leader could be sexually into him!

"As well as everyone else in Team Magma. I like you all very much."

Oh. He,

He meant platonically.


"For trusting me and following me despite my deficiencies, even if I can't express it properly, for that, I am continually grateful."

And I didn't know I could love him more, and now I do.

-Magma Grunt Marys POV-

Brendan's face lit up when I told him that we wouldn't have to worry about Leader Maxie disapproving of our relationship.

"Really? That's great! I guess that means we can meet up in the open from now on!"

"Yup!" I replied enthusiastically.

I'm so going to hell for this. Or jail. Probably both.

It kinda felt like getting permission from my parents to date him.

Brendan peeped up. "Alright! I'm feeling good! Let's go for a ride."

"... A ride?"

I don't remember how he talked me into it, but we wound up on his Latias soaring through the sky at breakneck speed.

"We're too high!" I yelled.

"Hold on tight!" Was all he had to say in response.

I gripped onto his smaller frame with all my strength and wouldn't let go for fear of horrible death.


"I'm gonna speed up, okay?"

"No! Not okay!"


"What the hell is tha-"


I didn't sleep that night.

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