I'm not even ashamed of it anymore.

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"On this occasion, we open our annual year-end meet. But tonight, the theme is a little different from usual. After all, this is our, Team Magma's, first year0end meet after our rebirth. Next year will likely be very busy over this year for many different reasons. However, it's natural that before a journey, we must first refuel! So for today, eat, drink, and be merry." Finished Leader Maxie.

The crowd before him stood up and raised their varying glasses in a resounding 'Huzzah!'.

Brendan shuffled his feet as the people partied around.

"I feel like I might be intruding..." he said, just loud enough for Leader Maxie to hear over the 'woo's and the 'yea's.

"Poppycock. It's thanks to you that Team Magma exists as it is now. You gave us a well-needed trouncing. Tonight, you are our distinguished guest." Switching gears, he turned on his heel towards Brendan. "I hear you stood up for one of our own earlier?"

Shit. Shit. He's talking about meeeeee.

"Team Magma and Team Aqua..." He continued, monologuing to Brendan. "Of course, the deeper the wound, the longer it will take to heal... But, it's our duty to make amends and correct our relationship to take responsibility and atone for our past..."

He snapped out of it, almost surprised. "Oh dear, I've gone and brought up something heavy. Even though we invited you today to celebrate with us."

Brendan just smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "Haha, it's alright."

Admin Tabitha stepped up, trying to reignite the mood. "It is as the leader says, child! Today is a wondrous occasion! After all, today is the only day you can have a taste of, I, Chief Admin of Team Magma, Tabitha's, specialty, Razz Berry Pie!"

Brendan's mouth watered as he approached Tabitha with the pie. "Wow, it looks great!"

"Ahya! There's plenty to go around, so have as much as you desire!"

I didn't figure Admin Tabitha for a baker...

Brendan and I made our way to a bench to just sit down and eat the pie. I decided not to get my own plate since he was so intent on sharing his with me. He stabbed his fork into a nice corner chunk, that had a lot of the soft cakey crust on it, and lifted it towards my mouth.

"Say ah~"

"Oh, that's so embarrassing~" I said lightly, blushing.

I snatched the fork from him and he laughed a little.

"This is a lady's role, mister! Here, say ah~"

"Ah~" he said on purpose, opening his mouth extra wide. I hadn't noticed at the time, but the festivities had essentially stopped and everyone was watching us be so very lame and cutesy. Some people were a little peanut butter and jealous of us, and I think Tabitha was regretting inviting us.

Admin Courtney looked at us, and then back to Leader Maxie, and then back to us, and once more to Leader Maxie.

Admin Courtney's POV

"Leader Maxie..." I started.

He turned around to find me standing with a smile(?) on her face, and a fork full of pie in my hand. My other hand was cupped under my first hand, to keep it from falling.

His glasses slipped a bit from his face. Everyone stopped watching those two, and turned to see what Leader Maxie would do.

He turned away.

I felt my heart shrivel and die in that very instant. Did he really not care for me?

But then, he turned right around and chomped down on the bite of food while I was looking down!

I looked up, my eyes widening as I felt a heat deep within myself grow hotter and hotter. He turned away, briskly chewing on the pie. I saw a lone bead of sweat make it's way down the side of his head and across his sexy jawline. He swallowed, and smiled a little bit at me, from the corner of his eye.

"Tabitha? The pie is exquisite."

And he said nothing else.

And he didn't need to.

Oh, Leader Maxie, you're the greatest!

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