Chapter Fifteen

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Jamie's POV

Conner was right about hitting the road at nine. When eight thirty came around both his and my bags were packed and in the SUV. Jay and Hunter had already hit the road so they could get there before us. Conner was rushing around the house trying too get everyone ready. He wanted too beat Elliot too my family and I did as well, but he needed too slow down. He was going too ware him self out.

"Cara! Wyatt! Lets go!" He shouted as he came down the stairs. Levi was standing with me next too the front door and we were waiting. Wyatt was trying too help Cara while she was in the bathroom. I knew she was sick and so did Conner, but we needed too go. When they finally came out Wyatt handed Conner her bags and he carried his own. As we headed out the front door Wyatt locked it behind us and we rushed out too the SUV. When we got too it Conner and Wyatt got the bags in while me and Cara piled into the middle seats. We wanted the guys too sit in the front so they could watch the road. "Buckle up." Conner told us as he and Wyatt got him. I could tell he was out of breath by his chest moving so fast. Before putting my seat belt on I reached acrossed and grabbed ahold of his shirt.

"Slow down." I told him and he nodded closing his eyes.

We let him take a second before settling in. Once we were moving he wasn't going too stop so we buckled up tight.

I knew the drive was going too be long and rough. I knew there was so much shit running through my head and Conner's him self. He didn't take his eyes off the road and he didn't say a word. No one did. This was serious. Elliot was really going too hurt someone. I didn't think going after his child was the best, but he wasn't going too be hurt. He would hurt Lilly. He made me sick earlier when he spoke about her. She's my sister, not a little toy for him too play with. He's playing with all of us actually. He knew how too play mind games and it was sick, absolutly sick..

This was going too be a rough fight, but I knew we would work through it.

As we arrived in the city Conner pulled up too a gas station too call mom. When we got out he made sure Wyatt and Cara were okay. I was right about the rough and long ride. We were all ready too get out of the car and ready too find my family. Conner walked too my side before letting me out. We walked inside the gas station together and went too the cashier. "Do you have a phone she can borrow?" Conner asked the guy. He nodded before pulling his own out of his pocket. I watched as he unlocked it and handed it too me. I typed in mom's number and it rang three times before she finally answered.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"I mean, I have a mother. How about you Jamie?"Elliots voice rang through the other end. I looked at Conner and shook my head before dropping the phone. The cashier yelled at me before I rushed out of the gas station.

"Jamie!" Conner yelled as I rushed down the side walk.

He got them.

"Jamie!" Wyatt shouted as he jumped out and grabbed my hand.

"No! Conner...he has them!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face. The one thing I was worried about happened.

"Then get in so we can go find them!" He shouted at me. I hurried with him and got back in. As soon as we were all in he pulled out of the parking lot and took off as fast as he could. I felt my heart jumping as we got closer and closer too the neighborhood.

When we finally got too the niehgborhood we wasted no time getting too my house. All three of the cars were parking in the drive way. As soon as Conner stopped I jumped out and rushed inside with them behind me. The front door was ajar when I came up the front porch. I slowly pushed it open, and the first thing I saw was blood on momma's white carpet. "Momma!" I screamed. There was no respond, Conner and Wyatt got up too me as I stepped in. "Momma!" I screamed again before walking through our living room. I looked in all the closets in there and they weren't in there. I saw a half full bag setting on the was Lilly's close. "Lilly!" I screamed before running up the stairs with Conner behind me. "Lilly!" I screamed again as I ran too her room. I shoved her door open, her toys were all over the floor but she wasn't inside. I was just about too go check another room when I saw her old baby monitor light up on the desk.

Conner reached out and grabbed it before I could.

"Goody! You found the monitor. Now, sweet ole beautiful Jamie. I am sure your wondering where your little sissy and parents are aren't you? just so happens planes are faster than cars. Anyways, I am sure you want them all back. How about you and Conner I am guessing who's with you come down too the city docks. You know, the one's where you and Danny shared your first kiss. Oh, how romantic." Elliot said almost as if he was happy he had them. "Oh, and before you go. Check the little bitches closet. We both don't seem too like one person inparticular." He laughed before we heard a crack and the monitor light went off.

I looked at Conner then too Lilly's closet. He held a hand up for me too wait as he grabbed his gun out of his back pocket. Just before he walked past me too the closet. He grabbed the handle slowly before quickly pulling the door open.

Lana's lifeless body fell out.

I screamed rushing too her side and grabbed her. Conner hit the wall before getting down on her knees. I flipped her onto her back and tried three times too see if she would respond. There was no use, she had one huge stab wound in the center of her chest. Her hair was ripped apart and her eyes were wide open. I felt my eyes water before I stood up. Conner reached over grabbing a shirt and came up too me. He cleaned my hands before kissing my head. "We'll find them." He whispered holding me against him.

We stood there for a few minutes before I realized we needed too go. He knew it too, he grabbed my hand and we walked back downstairs. Wyatt came from the kitchen. "I couldn't find them, but I found a phone." He said handing it too Conner.

"We have too go to the docks." Conner said before we rushed out the front door. Cara was still sitting in the car, as she saw us coming she opened the back door for me. We quickly got in and within seconds were back on the road. Conner didn't even care that we weren't buckled up, he wasn't going too let Elliot hurt them. Hopefully he hadn't already.

As Conner drove I felt something grabbing my hand, when I looked down Cara's hand was in mine. "She's gonna be okay." She told me and I nodded with a smile.

"Call Jay!" Wyatt shouted as we got onto another road. Conner cursed before pulling the phone out and calling him. I listened too him tell them where too meet us and what too bring. Apparently, they had Elliot's kid and Philp and some of his guys were with them. I was happy that we had people with us. I knew we couldn't call the cops since everyone would get in trouble because of Philip. That's one thing I hated about this whole situation, we couldn't get as much help that could save us all. But, I didn't want too lose my family and Conner. "Baby, when we get there I want you too crawl in the back and get down, I don't want you in the way. I don't want too risk anything happen too you or the baby either." Wyatt told Cara and she nodded before taking a deep breath.

I watched as she looked down at her belly. She didn't have much of a bump at all, she had just found out. She cupped it slowly before smiling. I smiled as well and put one hand over hers. "He or she will be just as great as you." I said and she smiled brightly.

"Your so sweet Jamie. I'm glad if we had too be in this mess with anyone it was you. My brother picked the best moment too run into you." She said and I smiled before looking up at him. He was focused on driving and didn't see me smiling, but I knew he heard me. "He really cares for you." She whispered and I blushed.

"I care for him." I replied.

I didn't just care.

I was falling.

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