chapter five

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I walked into fifth hour a little more hesitant, now that I know what happened. Now that I know that there's a reason everybody suddenly knows who I am. I sat down in my seat at the front of the classroom with plenty of time before the bell rings.

"There she is," a voice called out from the back of the class.

I turned around to see who it was. It was some hot-shot senior basketball player.

"You know could you just shut up for once, Garrett?"

"Woah, woah, woah. Watch it there, buddy," Garrett confidently warned.

"No, you watch it. Or else I'll make sure nobody forgets when your pretty little pictures leaked freshman year. And if you say one more word to her-"

"Boys, do we have a problem?"

"Yes. Garrett doesn't know how to shut his mouth."

"Would you two both want a trip down to the office?"

"If that means-"

"Sam," I warned. "Enough, its fine."

"Sorry," he said in a monotone voice with a sigh.

The bell ran and class continued on as normal. At the end of class we were assigned our usual pile of homework and we were dismissed yet again two minutes after the bell rang. My teacher didn't know how to shut it.

I gathered up my stuff and waited for Sam by the door. He approached me, avoiding eye contact.

"You didn't have to do that you know," I told him as we walked out together.

We headed the same direction down the hall. He took a few minutes to reply.

"I know. But he's a dick though, so I kind of had to."

"Well, thanks, I guess," I told him hesitantly.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it because I hate him."

"You keep telling yourself that," I said and let him keep walking as I stopped at my locker.

I gathered my stuff from my locker, preparing for my sixth hour class. I sighed knowing this would be probably the longest part of the day. I had one more hour until I got to see if I made varsity or not, and lucky for me I get to spend it with the most boring teacher I have ever had.

"Conner," Bryan greeted me once I got to my desk.

"What's up?"

"Have you been called down to the office yet?"


"Really? Well, I was just in there. They're going to call you down next."

"Really," I said as I felt my face lit up.

"You're...happy about that?"

"Of course I am. Mr. Bennon is the most boring teacher I have ever had."

"Oh, let me tell you about my seventh grade math teacher she wa-"

"Conner Wayne," Bryan was cut off by a formal dressed lady standing at the door to my classroom. "With me please."

"Sorry," I muttered under my breath as I struggled to get out of my century old desk.

"Good luck," Josie whispered as I passed her on my way out.

As soon as I sat down before my principal questions were being fired at me from three different people.

"Um, I can only answer one question at a time."

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