1: Mikey Manfs - He cheats

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hey guys! This is my first imagine, I hope you enjoy!

Mikey's P.O.V.

I fucked up bad. I didn't mean too. I was drunk.
I was crying to Jake because we went out and I made out with another girl. I was piss drunk and I really didn't mean too.
I already know that when y/n finds out she's gonna break up with me. "Jake I can't loose her. She is my world. She makes me happy even with all of the shit going on in my life. She makes it better" I cry. Jake sighs and says  "you have to tell her dude. She deserves the truth. Who knows? Y/n is a very understanding person, maybe she will look past it.."  I look at him and roll my eyes and scoff "sure" I state. I pull out my phone, go to messages and click on "babygirl 😍😍"
(bbg: y/n m: Mikey)

m: hey baby! Can you come to my house? I have to talk to you about something important..

Bbg: yeah I'll be over in 15 mins. You okay babe?

M: yeah! I'm fine! I just need to talk to you..

Bbg: okay.. I'll be there soon.. I love you.

M: okay. Love u too!

I suddenly got really nervous and started sweating. "She's on her way..." I say and dry my face. Jake pats my back and say " good luck dude. I'll be in your room waiting if things dont go right." I nod and sit on the couch to wait for the love of my life.

*10 minutes later*

I hear the door open and saw y/n walk in. I got really nervous and was looking down. Y/n smiled at me and sat next to me. "Hey baby" y/n says and kisses my cheek. My eyes start to water as look up at her. "What's wrong baby?" She asks. "I messed up" I say as my voice waivers. "I was drunk and Jake wasn't there to stop me. It was an accident. I didn't mean to do it." I say and tears fall out of my eyes. Y/n stands up and looks down at me saying "what did you Mikey?"  I look down "WHAT DID YOU DO?" she yells as I don't say anything. "I kissed another girl" I whisper. I cried more as I look up and she tears slowly start to fall from her eyes. "Y-you what?" She whispers I stand up and try to pull her into a hug, but she slaps my hand, " don't touch me" she yells. "Babygirl I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. Please dont leave me. Please" I say and whisper more towards the end. She walks towards the door " you should have thought about that before you got drunk" she whispers and walks out the door. I drop to my knees and ball my eyes out. It feels like my heart is getting ripped out. Jake walks to me and says "Mikey, it'll be okay." I cry harder. Jake helps Mr stand up and brings me to my bed.. And that's where I stay for weeks on end.


Hey guys! This is my first imagine there will be the second part to this imagine up soon. I hope you enjoyed this imagine!

Mikey Manfs, Jake Dunfer, Ademir Adamo and Tyler Manfre imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now