3: Jake Dunfer: fight/makeup

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Hey guys! This is my first Jake dunfer imagine. If you want an imagine, you know what to do. Enjoy! :)

Jake's P.O.V.

I walk into the house at 3 A.M, I was suppose to be back at 12. Y/n is going to be pissed at me. I got caught up with Mikey and Ademir. We were filming a Walmart video and I thought we would be in and out but we ended up fucking around for longer.  I take off my shoes at the door and walk into the living room to see Y/n reading a book. She looks up with a straight face, she gets up and just walks towards our bedroom. "Y/n" I say. She keeps walking, I walk after her. We end up in our bedroom. "You were late, yet again." She says. "Baby, I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I say looking down at the floor. "you say that every time Jake. I am getting sick of waiting around for you. When is it my turn to hang out with you till 3 A.M.? when do I get my boyfriend back?!?" She yells at me "y/n I am here. I was never gone" I say. "You're always with Mikey and ademir. Jake you hang out with Tyler more than me. That's Mikey's brother! That hurts! I'm done. I'm leaving I can't handle this Jake. You need to get your priorities in check. If you can figure something out, you know where I'll be." She says and she grabs an already packed bag and walks out the bed room and then out of the front door. "Y/N DONT LEAVE ME PLEASE!" I yell out the door of our house. I fall to the floor and tears leave my eyes. I know where she is. I get my shoes on and I grab my keys running to my truck. I drive to Ademirs house. They are really close but we were closer. I see her Black Jeep wrangler sitting next to ademir's car. I run up to the house and knock on the door. Ademir opens it. "She's here I know she is." I say. He nods and let's me in. "Jake, she is really upset. You need to fix this. She's been crying since she got here." He says. I nod with tears in my eyes. "Go get your girl back bro." I walk to the spare bedroom and knock. I hear sniffles. "Ademir I said I'm fine." She says. "No you're not babygirl. Let me in please. I need to fix this." I say quietly. I hear her move and the door opens. My tears start to fall as I step into the room. "Babygirl, I need you. I cant loose you. You're all I have. You're all I need. Without you I'm nothing. I promise you I will be with you way more. I'll only hang out with them if you're with me. Please y/n.  I can't loose you.. Please!" I say and whisper at the end. I cry and fall on the floor. Y/n smiles and sits in front of me. "Jake." She says. I stay looking at floor crying. "Baby, look at me" she whispers. I look up at her. She cups my cheeks. "You're not loosing me. I'm still yours and I'm still here. No matter what. I just want time with you. I miss you. You're always with the guys and that's not a bad thing, I just want time with you too. That's all I ask for." She says. I nod. "Anything babygirl. I love you so much. I never want to loose you." I say. "You won't. I love you too baby." She gets up and holds out a hand. "Let's go home baby " I nod and get up gripping her hand and she grabs her bag. We leave and spend the rest of the week together. It'll never happen again.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Vote and comment! I think I might start asking a question at the end of each imagine. What do you think?

Mikey Manfs, Jake Dunfer, Ademir Adamo and Tyler Manfre imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now