ch-6 That Jerkass left me!!!

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Dedicated to AutumnsTemptation for being an awesomyy person. U r AMAH-ZINGG. ....LOVE U FOREVA♡♡♡♡

Mama by Jonas blue


Riley's POV :

Our biology teacher never showed up and we got a free class. I talked to Liam and he told me lot about himself.
He is an American and recently shifted to England because of his father's job.

As soon as the bell rang we bid our goodbye and parted ways .

I was talking to Alison when suddenly a muscular arm is slung on my shoulders.

I arch my head to look up at the owner.i am met by a grin and an innocent face ,Blake Parker West . Blake is the second claimed Bad boy completing the squad.
I return the grin.

"Hey ,Ali" he greets Allison
"Bye ,Parks "she winks and heads to her next lesson.

He looks at me and ruffles my hair ."so, Pikachu girl ......did you by any chance saw your husband".
I growl at him "he's not my anything "
"Sure...sure " he chuckles a bit.

I am shortly reminded of Evan's disappearance. What got his pikachu in a twist??.
I've never seen the Jerk miss a class before .I've heard girls talking about it but at least he never missed any one of those with me . I wonder what was wrong with him maybe one of his girls refused to buy him a pikachu.

"No...I didn't " I say ....
"Okay ,meet you at lunch " he says before heading to different direction

At lunch

"She did " Cassie says as the whole table laugh which includes Cassie ,Allison , me and apparently Liam too .
There were no signs of badboy squad though.
"No ....I didn't " I refuse
"Oh ...c'mon don't lie "Allison butts in

I shake my head but a ghost of a smile appears on my face.
Liam laughs out loud . "You guys are peed at the doorstep of your teacher's house
and that was your idea "he points at me.

I'm evil and I know that ...
"I- " but I'm cut short by the noise of chairs as two people plops down on our table
Blake sits next to Cass and the Jerk besides Ali right opposite to me and Liam .

"I'm Liam " Liam extends his hand towards the Jerk. But Jerk being Jerk never returns the gesture ,he just sits there eating pizza from Ali's plate.
"Whateve"Evan says with extra large sized pizza piece in his mouth.

What's up with him....I roll my eyes and before I could say anything Blake starts talking to Liam....atleast he's not a jerk.

The bell rings signalling that the lunch is over.

The rest of the classes goes  well and eventually the school draws to an end.

Sometimes my thoughts wandered to Nora. I left her at Cassie's house as Andrea offered to babysit her . I wonder how she was.

As the school gets  over I go to meet Cassie and find her in the dance room. She is the dance captain.

"Hey,Cass. ....ready to go"
"Oh ...I completely forgot ,I'm sorry but I can't come ,got some work to do here" she says as the students start to fill up the room."get a ride with Evan " she adds.
"Okay" I say completely annoyed by the fact that I have to go with him.

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