Part 11

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My presentation is today. And if there is no time next week. Wish me luck. (I am going to need it. I don't do well presenting, people staring at me. I freeze and stumble with my words a lot. It's bad. And I got the worst night sleep. Woke up multiple times throughout the night and now have a headache.) Pray that I don't present today and I present next week. That was I can mentally prepare myself.

Here is the next chapter.

Warning: Child Abuse and Sexual Assault.


Camila watched as Lauren played with her melted ice cream. School was finally over, and summer started. That allowed Camila to hang around Lauren more and allowed her to protect her more. Austin hadn't visited her in some time, and it worried her. She didn't know what he was planning.

Lauren looked up and smiled at Camila. "What are you thinking about?"

Camila shrugged. "Things."

"What kind of things?"

"Just thinking about what Austin might do," Camila answered, shaking her head.

Lauren frowned. "What has he done to you?"

"Kills the people I care about," Camila whispered, looking at the puddle of melted ice cream.

"Who has he killed?" Lauren asked, frowning. She blinked a few times before shaking her head. "Sorry, that was insensitive."

"It's okay. He's killed my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Grandparents. He killed my baby sister while I watched," Camila whispered, glaring at the ground.

"I'm sorry."

Camila shrugged."It's been a few hundred years."

"It still hurts to lose family. I miss my parents all the time."

"I still remember her. My little sister."

"Does it get harder to remember?" Lauren questioned, her voice soft.

"No. I mean, you forget things, but you remember important events, especially when those events lead up to your change. I still remember all their birthdays, but I can't remember what we did those days."

"That must suck."

Camila looked up at Lauren. "There are moments I wish I didn't remember. I wish our minds were like a human's and we'd forget as we get older. I wish I could forget the look on Sofi's face as she took her last breath."

"Do you think my moms are mad at me?" Lauren asked, changing the subject.

"No, why?"

Lauren shrugged. "I don't want to be like them, and they were hoping I did."

"They want you in their lives forever. No parent wants to lose their child."

"Do you think I'm making the right choice?"

Camila gave her a small smile. "It's your choice, and as long as it's what you want to do, it'll be the right one."

Lauren gave her a smile.


One second Lauren was standing in front of her house, the next, she was in the middle of an unknown room. She looked around, before stopping, seeing a pair of hazel eyes staring at her.

"Hello Lauren," he said, grinning.

"Who are you?"

"I believe you know of me. I'm Austin."

And I Have Felt the Pain of Losing Who You AreWhere stories live. Discover now