Part 16

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I won't be able to update tomorrow, so here is part 16.

If you guys hadn't noticed, I like to name stories after song lyrics. My one shots have the song in the chapter. "I Didn't Mean It" is obviously from I Know What You Did Last Summer. This story's title is from a line in Christina Perri's I Believe. The whole verse goes like:

'Cause I have been where you are before
And I have felt the pain of losing who you are
And I have died so many times, but I am still alive

The line that comes after is a good summary of Lauren, but too much on the nose, you know?

Hope you enjoyed the fun fact, now on to the story.


"Did you miss me?" Brad asked Lauren, who was pressed up against the wall.

Lauren just glared. Lauren was brought to Austin's hideout. Brad was so happy when he saw her. He then started to ask if she missed him, if she remembered him. He kept telling her he loved her.

"How about a reunion kiss?"

Lauren looked away, not wanting to look at him. She didn't love him, and she never would. He was a monster for the sake of it.

Lauren jumped when she felt Brad be ripped away from her.

"Go and get her some dinner," Austin told Brad, looking into his eyes.

"I'll go and get Lauren some food," he repeated, before leaving.

"Finally," Austin muttered, shaking his head. "I'm sorry about him. He can get too much. Hope he didn't annoy you too much.."

"Why do you care?"

Austin shrugged. He grabbed a book from the shelf and gave it to Lauren. The girl looked at it, before placing it on the table next to her.

"Don't want you do die of annoyance or anything," he said, smiling as if he just told a joke. "That's a good book. I heard you liked to read, I thought you might like it."

Lauren just stared at him.

"Okay, you don't want to read. How about you read me? I'm an open book, ask me anything."

"Are you still a virgin?" Lauren asked, glaring at him.

Austin laughed. "I didn't expect that. Answer is no. I slept with a few people. Camila was a fun fuck. I think I even slept with past-you."

Lauren paled. "What?"

Smirking, he nodded his head. "I remember the first time. It was the time before I drained your blood. Camila was there too. I had promised her if I got a taste of both of you at the same time, I'd let you live. Can you imagine how heartbroken Camila was when I killed you right after I used you? The second time was just you and me. I buried you soon after. But that was fun, I had fun. You, not so much."

Austin reached for her cheek.

"Don't touch me," Lauren snapped, glaring at him.

Austin laughed. "Okay, no need to bite me. Anything else you want to know?"

"What happened with your sire?" Lauren asked, curious. As scared as she was, Austin wasn't going to hurt her, she just know he wasn't going to.

"I killed her. During one of our, sessions, when she least expected it, I killed her. Ripped out her heart then and there. She wasn't going to hurt me anymore."

And I Have Felt the Pain of Losing Who You AreWhere stories live. Discover now