Part 14

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I had been waiting to write this chapter, and the next few. I have finally reached this.

roezhaaa, find out if your theory was right.


Lauren groaned, as she woke up. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling as she remembered what had happened in the prior hours. She stretched on her bed, before sitting up. She almost screamed when she saw Camila standing at her desk chair, reading a book.

Camila looked up. She gave Lauren a smile and placed the book down.

"How are you feeling?" Camila asked, her eyes on Lauren.

Lauren shrugged. "I could be better."

Camila nodded her head. She stared at Lauren, who stared back.

"There is something you need to know," Camila said, standing up.


"It was October, 1655 when I got really sick. My mother prayed that I would be okay. Medicine was scarce. She wished for me to get better, but many people had already died. There was no hope, when a vampire walked into my home and told my mother that she could save me, but told her that she may never see me again. My mother wanted me to live my life, so she said yes," Normani told the other vampires.

"Did you ever see your mother again?" Ally asked, a small frown on her face.

"Once I was in control of my urges, I went to visit my family one last time, to say goodbye."

"Who was the vampire?" Shawn asked, sitting forward.

"Her name was Demetria Lovato. She helped me control myself before letting go my own way."

"Where is she now?" Lucy asked, her eyes wide with wonder. Shawn leaned over and kissed her temple.

"She is living with her mate. I don't know who it is, but I've seen her in passing, but she'd always be alone," Normani answered.

Lauren stormed into the living room, freezing when she saw the group of people sitting there. Her eyes went to Dinah and Normani.

"Camila is my mate," Lauren said, a frown on her face.

Dinah nodded her head. "Yes."

Lauren ran her hand through her hair. She sighed. "How is this fair?"


"I'm human. I age. Camila is my mate. If I don't change, she'll watch me grow old and die," Lauren told them, glaring at the ground.

"You don't have to change," Camila said, her voice a whisper.

"It's not fair to you. You've waited over four hundred years for me," Lauren said, her eyes on Camila.

Dinah watched Camila turn to her. "It's not the first time I lost my mate."

"What are you talking about?" Ally asked, frowning.

"Have you guys heard of the Mate's Blessing?" Camila asked, waiting until she saw the head shakes, "Sometimes, if a vampire's mate dies, they can be reborn."

"So if Lauren dies of old age, she'll come back?" Hailee questioned, looking to the human in the room.

Camila shook her head, as she looked to Lauren. "The mate has to be human, and the way they died have to supernatural based."

"You lost your mate, supernaturally based?"

Camila nodded her head.

"Lauren, you've been reborn multiple times, and each time, Austin has killed you."

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