Chapter 10

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DAY 1: How long have you been self-harming? Discuss why you started.

The next day was a Monday, the absolute worst day of the week in everyone’s book. It was my first full day at school. Mike and Vic were giving me a lift in with Jaime and Tony. Vic seemed to want me to spend the day at his side, because he woke me up, sat next to me at breakfast, and basically talked to me the entire morning. He sat next to me in the car, and walked me to my locker. He sat next to me in my first class, which we had together. By the time it got to English, I saw Jack in the same seat we sat in last week, and walked over to him, grateful for some company other than Vic. I was getting a little sick of him, honestly. He wasn’t in the class, but he walked me there.

'Hey, man! Where'd you go on Friday? We were worried,' Jack asked concernedly. I coughed awkwardly.

'I got convinced into ditching by Mike Fuentes. I live with them, actually,' I mumbled, praying he wouldn't ask for more detail.

'Woah, you live with the Fuentes'? That's got to be pretty full on; they're pretty out there.'

'What do you mean, out there? They seem alright,' I frowned, confused.

'Well, I heard their dad only speaks Spanish,' he said.

'Uh, that's not true,' I said. 'His English is fine.'

'Yeah well, anyway. There's other stuff. Mike almost got sent to juvie last year—'

'Wait, juvie?’i asked incredulously. ‘What the hell did he do?’

At that moment, Ms Williams walked in.

'Alright class, this is the short period, so we're going to go through the details of the assignment…' God damnit, I wanted to know what Mike did! Hell, I was living with the kid, what was he like? He seemed okay…

And so I spent the next forty minutes not listening to a word Ms Williams said and trying to find an opportunity to ask Jack what Mike did. I didn’t think he would lie; they seemed to be on good terms when Mike introduced us on Friday.

Eventually, the bell rang, and I made Jack tell me.

'Well, he beat up some kid so bad the guy had to go to hospital. No one knows why. I don't even know how he got off, but he was suspended for 

like three months, and he’s still doing detention for it,’ Jack said quietly. ‘Look, man, no one really talks about it, and that’s why everyone listens to Mike and Vic. They were pretty much nobodies before that. I only know ihm ‘cause I used to play soccer with him. Just, don’t bring it up unless he does, and don’t mention my name, okay?’

'Fine,' I said, a little shocked. 'I'll see you later, I guess.'

Vic was waiting outside my class. What the hell was with this kid? He smiled as he saw me, and I ducked my head.

'What have you got now?' he asked as we walked.

'Art,' I murmured.

'Damn, I don't take, art,' he said sadly. 'Never mind. It's this way.'

When we got there, he said ‘See you at lunch!’ and left. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d probably be with Jack and the others. They seemed like nice guys, and I didn’t want to spend all my time with the people I lived with. Also, I was a little scared of Mike at the moment.

I walked into the room, and immediately discovered I was the only male, including the teacher.

'Wlecome, Mr…' The teacher looked a little confused.

'Quinn,' I said awkwardly. 'Kellin Quinn.'

'Ah, right! I was expecting you yesterday, but never mind. Take a seat 

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