Road trip

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Y/n Pov

"I can't beleive we fit everthing in two cars." Ian said laughing.

"We had to, we don't have any other fucking cars cunt." Chad said.

"We could always use your car Chad." Ian replied sassily.

"Ohh no way am I risking your dirty ass in my clean car." Chad said which made me giggle.

"Who is sitting with who?" Joji asked after finishing packing the car.

"Y/n, Ian, and I can take one car and you, Howtobasic and Max can take the other one." Chad replied.

"No way can you and Ian sit in a car for three hours and get along." I said laughing.

"Yeah, Y/n, Joji, and I can go In one car." Ian said.

"Why can't Y/n drive with us?" Max asked.

"Because her road trip playlist is mostly my music so I should get her." Joji replied protectively.

"I can just send you my playlist Max." I replied.

"Its not the same." Max said pouting.

"You just want to look down my shirt with the Car miorr." I said laughing.

"W..what, no no I don't." Max said blushing. Which made Joji grab my arm and lead me to the car with Ian.

"We better get going we don't want to waste time." Joji said annoyed.I sat in the back with Joji while Ian drived his jeep. Joji insisted he sits in the back to keep me company.I looked over at Joji who was making a sour face out the window to which I poked him in the shoulder.

"Are you okay Joji?" I asked.

"Ye.. yeah. Im fine just tired." Joji replied.

"He's just upset about Max wanting ti look at your boobs." Ian said joking.

"It's disrespectfull." Joji huffed.

"Woahh, dude I was joking. I didn't think you actually were botherd by it." Ian said laughing.

"Its okay Joji." I said softly rubbing his arm.

"No its not." he said pouting.

"Are you jealous?" I said laughing.

"" Joji said his face turning pink which caused me to giggle.

"Wanna hand up your phone so I can plug in the aux?" Ian asked me.

"Thanks." I said handing it to him.Ian plugged it in and the first song to play was dumplings, which I might or might not know all the words to.I said the words quietly untill the song ended. I looked over at Joji who must have been stareing at me the whole time.

"What?" I said blushing a bit.

"I didn't know you really listened to my music." Joji said turning red a bit.

"Oh yeah, I listened to the whole Pink season when it came out." I said laughing.

"Superfan much." Ian said laughing.

"I might be." I replied smileing.

"Whats your favorite song on the album?" Joji asked.

"I have a few actually, 'Are you serious', 'shes so nice', 'riceballs' and 'dumplings'." I replied.

"What about Nickelodeon girls, thats useally everbodys favorite?" Joji asked.

"I like it but its the song everybody brings up when talking about the album. Its funny but some of the other ones are pure fire." I replied laughing.

"I just assumed you liked the nasty shit better I guess." Joji said laughing a bit.

"Well I actually prefer the 'Joji' music. I really liked the Chloe Burbank album." I replied smileing.

"Oh... really. You like my main music?" Joji replied, his face had turned full on red at this point.

"Im a big fan of chill music, or at least not extreme dubstep and stuff. I really liked the new Post song, Congradualtions though." I said.

"Rad." Joji replied which made me gigle a bit at the word choice.

"We have to do a stop really quick. Chad drank like 8 monster energy drinks. Max texted me and it showed up on the car screen." Ian said.

"Okieee." I replied before getting ready to go in I had to go to the bathroom anyway.Ian parked the car and I got out and spotted Chad and followed him inside the gas station.


Joji Pov

"You should tell her you like her." Ian said turning around to face me.

"I..i don't know. She might not feel the same." I replied.

"She totally does." Ian said before getting out of the car.I sighed, I really should tell her.I got out of the car and looked around for Y/n.I looked aroynd and saw Chad filling a giant slurrpie.

"Hey Chad, have you seen Y/n?" I asked.Chad raised his eyebrows flitatiously before responding,

"I think shes getting the snacks."

"Thanks." I said before looking in the snack isles. I looked down the chip based items to see Y/n and a guy laughing a talking. He better not be trying any shit. I walked up to Y/n and put my arm around her waist and pulled her close. The gug looked at me before glareing at me.

"Is she your girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry dude." I replied insincerly.

"Time to go Y/n. Were about to take off again." I replied.

"What the hell was that?" Y/n asked.

"Uhh, I wasen't sure if he was bothering you." I replied rubbing the back of my neck.We walked up to the counter to pay.


Y/n Pov

I went to pull out my credit card but Joji had already paid.

"I owe you I shoulden't have overreacted, sorry." I replied.

"Its fine." I replied trying to take the bag but Joji sliped it into his other hand so I ended up grabing his empty hand and pulling it away.

"Owhhh.... sorry." I said nervously.

"Its okay..." Joji said before putting his hand in mine. Which made my cheeks flush red. Causeing his to laugh and the also turn pink.We got in the car only to see Ian was still gone.

"I thought you said we were leaveing?" I said.

"I... uhh..." Joji said.

"You were jealous." I said laugging really hard. I was laughing so hard I almost started to cry. I was about to say something when Joji leaned in and kissed me softly before pulling away.

"Uushh.... sorry." Joji said. I smiled and traced his jawline before placeing my hand on his cheek and leaning in aswell. He wrapped his arms aroumd me and pulled me into his lap.

"Okayyy thats enough we wanted you to get togethor but not fuck in the car." Ian said laughing. Which caused Joji and I to pull apart and blush really bad. Joji leaned over to me and wispered in my ear...

"We should continue this when we get to the lake house."

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