The rain

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Y/n Pov

He hit me again and again. His words stung my conscience and burned my soul. I scrambled the courage to stand before him but was soon struck down by his from Palm yet again. I staggers away and out the door with the little hope I had left. I clumsily crawled up a tree with the strength I had left. I could hear as his footsteps bellowed on the ground outside of my old "home".

"Y/n, Y/n, get back here you bitch we're not finished." My now Ex boyfriend yelled. I could hear his footsteps get closer. I held my breath to be as quite as I could.

"Found you bitch." He yelled, grabbing my ankle he pulled me off of the tree branch and to the ground hitting me once more repeating it over and over as I crouched in the feeble position.

"Get off her." A man yelled.

"What the hell." I heard my ex boyfriend curse at the man.

"Get away from her." The mystery man yelled once again.

"Whatever the bitch is your proublm now she can't come back." My ex boyfriend said. I looked up at the mystery man he was surprisingly handsome he had fuffly black hair and chocolate eyes. He had a cigarette hanging from his lips. He knelt down to my eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked, reaching out to me he softly touched my bruised cheek the pain causing me to flinch. The rain soaking my hair. The thin trees leaves dropped every raindrop that hit it providing almost no coverage. The man sat down next it n front of me and pulled me into his arms providing a safe space.

"No one should treat you like that..." The man said. He continued his praise of me as I listened to every word. With every raindrop that touched my skin his words touched my heart. I burried my head in the crook of his neck and did what I haven't done in years, I cried.

"We can't stay in this rain. Can I take you to my place?" He asked. I nodded.

"My name is George but my friends call me Joji. What's your name?"

"Y/n." I replied meekly. He let go and turned around offering me a piggyback ride which I accepted.

"Your lighter than you look." Joji said smiling.

"Thank you... Joji." I said.

"Anything for another broken soul." He replied.

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