Gentlemans Guide

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Y/n Pov

"So you guys are gonna walk on glass and fire and shit?" I said nervously.

"Yeah, you know its like the firat deadly twister but hopefully not as dangerous." Joji said like he had done this a thousand times.

"What if you guys get hurt?" I asked.

"It happens." He replied. Which made me even more nervous.

"You've spent alot of time on your music and Youtube do you thing maybe we could go out to eat later?" I asked a little sad.

"I....I would love to but I have to edit the next video too." Joji replied.

"Did you remember the merlow?" I asked.

"No, you said you would get it." He said starting to panic.

"Im kidding I brought it." I replied.

"Jeeze can you not scare me like that." He said laughing.

"Were here." Joji said before getting out and grabbing my hand. I honestly wish we could have stayed in the car it was the only actual conversation we have had in week. Joji grabbed the bags of grocieries we brought in his other hand and crarried them to Max.

"Heyyy cunt, were filming in the house first." Max said taking the bags from Joji and leading us inside.I carried the pasteries and baked goods I made and set them on the table inside that was set with wine glasses and a tea pot not to metion the multiple other cakes there already.

"Damnnn, Joji got you to cook for us." Chad said giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I offerd in case you needed extra stuff."

"Hell yeah." Chad said before taking one of the cakes I made and putting it off to the side.

"We can eat this one while they film it might take a bit." Chad said laughing.

"Thanks Chad." I said smileing.

"Are you and Basic ready to film yet?" Ian asked walking in with Max and Joji except they had changed into suits.Not gonna lie Joji looked cute in it. I wish he dressed like this when we went to fancy dinners.

"Yeah were ready." Basic said setting up the camera as Chad and I started to cut the cake.

*      *      *

They got through it pretty fast doing improve it was pretty tame untill Ian acdentally broke a glass and then Max did. After that they Clinked glassed and Max swung a bottle and broke their glasses and then hit one of the wine bottles and broke the teapot.

"I hope we got a good shot?" Max said laughing.

"Time for the backyard." Ian said groaning. We followed Ian outside and Into the back yard.

"Here." Ian said tossing  Chad Joji and I soap to put on the tarp.Chad imediately started to pour soap everwhere but not before squirting some on Joji and I. I put soap all over the tarp and Joji slipped and fell.

"You ok?" I asked Joji giving him my hand to help him up.

"Yeah thanks." He replied pulling me down onto him snuggling me into his arms and kissing me excessively.

"Alright, alright, Joji let her go we have to film." Max said laughing.

"How about we go out for dinner when I get a break towmarrow?" Joji askesd.I nodded my head and smiled as wide as I could.

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