Logan has been with Ayla for a long time in his vlogs, But will that end soon? Is there something she doesn't know? Will Ayla leave forever? This is Ayla's life. (Fanfiction so don't get to dramatic 🌈😂)
11AM Jake: Ahh, I got to do my Vlog! *Jake gets out from his bed and goes into the living room* Jake: ugh.. WAKE UP!! Liza: DONT DO THATTT George: ehh good morning.. Logan: 11AM? MY VLOGG *Logan grabs his keys and drives out the parking lot* Jake: Well then, *Jake starts his vlog while everyone leaves but Jay and Liza* Liza: Bye David! David: Awh, Don't be here all day then.. Erika: But she's funnyyy Tessa: Yeah Chance: IM HUNGRY! Emilio: SO AM IIIII Ivan: Ah, You guys are Always hungry... Kade: Where's Ayla? Chad: Ayla? She might be in the boys room.. *Kade goes upstairs and check in the boys room* Kade: Hmp *Kade comes back downstairs* Kade: She wasn't up there.. Ivan: What? Impossible.. *Ivan checks the boys room and all the others rooms then comes back downstairs* Ivan: Where is Ayla? Anthony: Did you loose Ayla? Tessa: She was here last night.. Bryan(RiceGums) House Bryan: Ayla.. Wake up... *Ayla yawns* Ayla: Shut up Chance.. Bryan: Chance? *Ayla turns around and see's Bryan staring at her* Ayla: Bryan?!?! Bryan: Aha, You must not remember last night.. Ayla: I don't want to either.. *Ayla gets out of the bed and grabs her stuff and starts to leave but Bryan grabs her wrist* Bryan: Gone so soon? Ayla: Yeah Bryan: Don't you need a ride? I'll go with you 😊 *Ayla sighs and walks out the door with Bryan* Team 10 House Erika: Where could she be? Jake: I'll call her *Jake calls Ayla but no answer* Chad: AYLLAAA WE GOT RICE KRISPIE TREATSSSSSSSS Anthony: Like that's going to get her.. Chad: She at 2 boxes of those things last night.. Jay: Dangg Liza: Bryan! She's with Bryan! Kade: Why would she be with Bryan? *Ayla and Bryan walk in the door* Ivan: PRINCESSA!! *Ivan attacks Ayla and hugs her* Ivan: Are you Okay? Bryan, What did you do to her? Bryan: Chill man, We just watched a movie.. Emilio: Mhm, Sure.. Jake: Yeah, Why don't you answer my calls Ayla? Ayla: I um.. Jake: Nevermind that, I need you for my vlog Erika: I'm gonna get some grapes *Jake gives Erika an confused look* Jake: I need you to dress me.. Ayla: What? Jake: Your a model right? You know style.. I'm taking you to the store so you can pick out my clothes, The vlog is going to be my fashion show!! Ayla: Where's you're humanity? Jake: Up your butt around the corner, Now go get dressed.. *Ayla runs upstairs and picks out an outfit*
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*Ayla runs downstairs* Anthony: Ayla Ayla: Yeah? Anthony: Stay cute my dear 😃 Ayla: Ah okay.. Ivan: Ayla, I wish I could go with you but I have to do a video.. Jay: I'll stay with Liza then, Jake: Ready Ayla? *Ayla sighs and turns to Chance* Ayla: Please text me.. I don't know if I'm safe... Chance: I got you Ayla.. Jake: Your always safe with me, Now you might see Jake Paulers, If they tackle u just get behind me.. Ayla: You act like I'm going to die.. Jake: 3 percent chance you might, Let's go.. Ayla: Wha..? *Jake grabs Ayla by the wrist and pulls her out the door into the car* Jake: I mean, If your going to do this, People are going to ship #Jayla.. Ayla: Ah, Then get Erika to do it.. *Jake starts the car and starts driving* Jake: Too late! Ayla: Why do you want to have a fashion show? Jake: I don't.. I just want to buy things for my transitions Ayla: Oh? So you want to be in a changing room.. Jake: Yes, With you.. Picking out outfits.. For me. Ayla: What?? I'm not going in there with you. Jake: Oh.. Yes you are, I'm stronger than you remember? *Ayla sighs as the arrive to the store* Jake: I need a suit first.. Ayla: Why would you need a suit? Jake: Cause.. *Ayla rolls her eyes* Ayla: What color? Jake: It don't matter *Ayla starts searching for a suit and Jake was Vlogging the whole time* Ayla: Jake! Jake: Yeah? Ayla: I found a suit *Ayla holds up a black, silk suit* Jake: Perfect now c'mon! Ayla: I'm not going in there with you.. Jake: Oh? *Jake lifts up Ayla Bridal Style while still Vlogging and carry's her into the changing room. Ayla: Jake!! Jake: Shhh Ayla: Wha? *Jake turns towards the mirror and takes off his shirt then turns back to Ayla* Jake: You feel akward don't you? Ayla: No! I'm fine, I'm just in a men's changing room with a boy with no shirt on.. Jake: Great sarcasm.. *Ayla waits until Jake turns around and runs out the door* Jake: Ayla! *Jake chases Ayla around the whole parking lot without any shirt on* Ayla: I'm not going back in there!! *Jake catches up to Ayla and grabs her and carrys her to the curb of the road* Jake: Don't run away from me! I'm out of breath now! *Jake looks down then up at Ayla*
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Jake: Your not tired? Ayla: No.. *Jake turns off his vlog camera* Jake: Good... *Jake stands up and grabs Ayla's waist pushing it against his* Ayla: You better n- *Jake shuts Ayla up with a long passionate kiss* Jake: Well then.. Ayla: In Public??? Jake: So? *Ayla sighs and walks back into the store with Jake* Jake: We'll shop later.. We need to get back to the team 10 House. *Jake grabs his shirt and vlogs the whole way to the Team 10 house. Liza: Hey Ayla! *Ayla trys to run to sit by Liza but someone grabs her wrist* Chance: What did he do? *Ayla glares at Jake and catches him in a stare* Chance: Just text me then.. *Chance let's go of Ayla's wrist and Ayla runs to sit by Liza, Bryan and Jay* Jay: What do you plan on doing today? Ayla: I Don't know.. Bryan: How about us 4 go out somewhere? Liza: To eat? Anytime.. Jay: Yah, It would be good.. *Just as the 4 was going to walk out the door someone grabs Ayla's wrist* Anthony: Leaving me? *Ayla looks down knowing he had a smirk on his face from the tightened grip* Anthony: You can't go already.. *Jake comes in eating* Jake: Where she going now? Bryan: She's just coming with us.. *Jay grabs her other wrist* Jay: Just leave her alone? Ayla: CHANCE!!! *Chance runs in with a worried look on his face* Chance: Anthony, She'll be back soon.. *Anthony let's go of Ayla and Ayla runs out the door* Liza: Don't you get tired of them? Bryan: Man, The only one with respect is Chance? *Ayla looks down at her wrist and see that's it's bruised* Ayla: I.. I didn't realize.. *Ayla gets in the car and sits by Liza* Liza: Ayla? What happened to your wrist? *Ayla looks back at the Team 10 House and See's Ivan at the doorstep crying* Ayla: Nothing... Ayla: Ah, Bryan where are we going? Bryan: Actually.. We want we get you out of that house for a moment. Jay: They try to tackle you every chance they get.. Liza: We're just gonna ride around and talk.. Ayla: Oh.. Bryan: AYLA! Ayla: Yeah? *Bryan hands Ayla his phone and her eyes widen* Ayla: Paparazzi? Jake Paul caught kissing Ayla Woodruff at the local mall... That was today.. Jay: You kissed him? Ayla: I didn't want to! It was a force.. Liza: Call Jake then! Calling Jake💀... Jake: Hello? Ayla: LOOK AT PAPARAZZI Jake: Seriously? Ayla: YES Jake: THEY CAUGHT US? *You ended the call* Bryan: What now? Jay: Just let everything unfold. Liza: You kissed Jake Paul.. Ayla: I DIDN'T WANT TO! Bryan: We need to go back home.. *Bryan turns around the car and heads back to the Team 10 house* Erika: Ayla.. Ayla: Erika.. I didn't want to I'm.. Erika: No I understand that, It's how big the Paparazzi is making it. *Ayla checks her phone and see's it all over social media* Jake: Ayla... *Ayla turns to Jake and looks furious then runs to her room where Chance and the others were* Chance: Ayla, I don't know what to do... I'm sorry.. Ayla: Chance.. Chance doesn't know what to do? Anthony: Why did you let him? Ayla: His grip.. UGH *Ayla grabs A hockey stick and starts running downstairs* Emilio: AYLA AYLA *Emilio pulls Ayla back* Jake: AYLA???? *Ayla looks down and drops the hockey stick* Ayla: It's no use.. My life is Over.. *Emilio let's go of Ayla and Ayla starts running after Jake* Ayla: HOW COULD YOU Jake: YOU RAN AWAY FROM ME!! AYLA: SO?!?! *After 5 minutes of running around Tessa caught Ayla and sat her down in the couch* Tessa: Anger will not fix this.. Jake: Ayla, I didn't mean to hurt the most beautiful girl in the world, I didn't.. Ayla: I told you this was going to happen... Jake: Yeah but.. *Ayla gets up and goes upstairs with Ivan* Ivan: Ayla.. Ayla: Ivan.. Ivan: It's okay.. *Ivan sits by Ayla and explains how it's going to be okay* Ivan: Better now? Ayla: I guess so.. Ivan: Good.. *Ivan kisses Ayla then they get up and walk downstairs* Jake: Better now Ayla? *Ayla glares at Jake then runs up and hugs him* Ayla: Sorry.. Jake: Ah, It's okay..