Just hanging out for once

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   Third person P.O.V

   After dropping Robbie at the police station,while literaly every cop looked strangly at me,I went home.

   'Well,it's three thirty,so around two hours till I have to go to Paz,so I'll just do something non productive.'

   He went to his room and pressed a switch.Out of the wall apeared a wide-screen TV,a PS4 and some games.

   'Hopefully this controler will survie.'

   Two hours later


   After that,Dipper trew his controler to the ground,got up from his bed and walked victoriosly around the roo-m.After remembering that he had to get to Pacicfica's house,he quickly looked at his watch.

   'Well,I have half an hour to get there.Sooo...'

   He quickly presed the switch,ran down the stairs and got into his car.

   Pacifica's P.O.V



   Clean house-√

   Clean clothes-√

   Hidden plushies-

   Pacifica quickly looked at the hiding spot for all her plushies before checking the last box.After that,she sighted.

   'Those ass-holes realy rubbed off me,didn't they?'

   As she crumbled the checklist and threw it in the trash,she heard a car stop in front of her house,
then heard a knock on the door.

   'Must be Dipper.'she thought before rechecking everything.

   As she opened the door she saw Dipper sitting with his back to her,hand in the air,headphones in his ear.

   'Disco girl!Coming through!That girl is you!Oh hoo!Oh hoo!'

   Okay.While Dipper became WAAAY cooler,but,he's still him.I tried to hold in a giggle,but I bursted out laughting.He looked at me,a goofy smile on his face.

   'Com' on,I know you love the song!'

   'You know,I started to worry that you changed into a badass.Then this happens.'

   'I shall remain a dork for the rest of my life.'he said while laughing along with me.

   I let him in,still laughting.After a while he stops and asks me:

   'So,what movie are we watching?'

   '"Pirates of the Caribean,Curse of the Black Pearl".Heard it was good.' (that movie is fucking legendary.would be my favourite if "The Dark Knigh-t"didn't exist)

   'Heh,let's watch.'

   Ten minutes later

   We where both holding back our laughter after Will was introduced.
(That akward loud thump)

   'I can relate to this.'Dipper said.

   'And how exaxtly?'

   'Your party,me walking into a wall on accident.'

   'Oh yhea.That was a good day.'


   Another ten minutes later

   Yet again we were holding back our laughter at Jack's introduction.

   'Well,I can relate to this.'I said,embaresed just from remebering.

   'Realy?How so?'

   'Well,I was at a gala.And this music started.Exitment was throught the roof.Theeen I slip on the carpet in my heels.'

   'Wasn't expecting that.'

   'Well,I'm only human.'

   After the movie

   'Welp,that's one of the best movies ever.'

    'Agreed.Well,Paz,I,for once,have a qwestion.'

   'Well start.'

   'What happened in these ten years?'

   Sorry for the cliffhanger and my lack of updates,but I realy don't have time.I promise I will update A LOT after this.Also,sorry for the bad chapter.Just a filter.Thanks for reading and bye!

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