A beast never learns Pt. 1

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   You'll see what this is.

   It has been a day after the zombie incident.It was seven thirty in the morning,and,as always,Dipper was in the kitchen,making breakfast.

   *yawn*"Hello cook."

   "If you call me that one more time I'm chucking these eggs out the window."

   Pacifica liked to tease Dipper about his cooking almost everytime he did it,witch was verry often,not that she was complaining.

   "Yeah,like you would trow your own food out the window."

   "Got me there.So,what would you like to have on the pan-"

   Dipper was cut off by his own phone ringing,witch made Pacifica try her hardest not to laugh.

   "You still remember that game?"

   "Shut up."he said in a false grumpy tone.

   Dipper checked the number for a second,then answered the call.

   "Hello sir.What's the pro-Whait,it's back!?Okay,I'll be there as soon as I can."and with that,he ended the call.

   "What's the problem?"asked Pacifica,woried about how hurried Dipper looked.

   "The Gremgoblin that I fought when I came back here just attacked the city.And it has company."

   "Well,you beat him to a pulp,of course he wanted revenge.Who called you anyways?"

   "Blubs and Durland.They said it got theyr daughter."

   "Okay,can I help?"

   For the first time in ten years,Dipper was actualy pleseantly surprised.

   "Yes.Put on something that covers you more and then come back here."

   "What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?"

   "Do you want to battle some Gremgoblin in sweatpants and a tank top?

   "Your right."

   Five minutes later,Dipper and Pacifica were runing through the forest.Pacifica was just folowing Dipper,like he said she needed to do.

   "So,where are we going?"asked Pacifica,flustered from sprinting at full sped for two minutes.

   "There are some old friends I haven't seen in a lot of time that I am sure can help."

   After another minute,they reached a montain with a big drop surronding it.

   "Ok,Pacifica,just so you know,don't be offended by anything I say.And don't laugh."

   "Got it."

   "And you should hold on to my hand."


   "You'll see."

   As Pacifica got hold of Dippers hand,he reached into his shirt and got out some little balls.(OMG that sounds so bad)Then he started running towards the mountain and jumped when he reached the drop.Pacifica,not realy having any other option,jumped after him,of course screaming.As they got closer to the wall,Diper trew the balls at it.As soon as they made contact,they exploded,making a hole to a cave.

   Both of them landed.Dipper landed perfectly on his feet,then Pacifica,who he lost grip on after the explosion,landed on him,making him fall straight on his face.As Pacifica helped Dipper up,he observed a little smile on his face as he looked around.This made her look to.Witch was a mistake.

   Surounding them were hundreds of hairy monsters.Pacifica was terified,while Dipper looked like he just heard a good joke.

   "Who are you!?"asked one of them in a verry threatening tone.

   "Dipper,what the hell are we doing here?!"asked Pacifica,hiding behind him.

   "Realy guys?You don't remember an old member?"

   "Liar!We never had a human brother!"says one.


   From the back of the heard comes another one of the creatures.He looked much older,having some white hairs,balding and generaly not beeing so beefed up.


   "It really is you,Destructor!"

   The crearure,now know as Cthzupar,comes to Dipper and shakes his hand.

   "Hey Cthuzpar,where are the menotaurs I know?"asked Dipper,trying to be polite.

   "Beardy and Clark?They are in the back with us elderly.They would be happy to see how much you've grown! You aren't a walking fishbone anymore!Come on lets go to the..."but he didn't finish his sentence.He saw what all the other menotaurs looked at all this time.


   'Uhmm,Destructor?Can you and your mate come with me?'

   'What did you call me,you-'Pacifica started,but Dipper cut her off.

   'Remember what I told you outside?'

   'Ok,ok.You got it.'

   And with that,the three of them walked in the back where older manotaurs were.Dipper looked around,saying hello to almost every manotaur he could see.It brought back some good and some bad memories.When they reached the back of the cave,near the throne,Cthzupar turned to the two.

   "Destructor,you realy shoud know you are not allowed to bring females here."

    "And why?"

   "Cause it's a mancave for pete's sake!"

   "I understand,but she has to stay.Only for a little bit though."

   "No.She has to go."

   "She stays."

   "She goes."

   "Listen to me,shs stay-"but Dipper was cut of by a booming voice.A voice he,unfortunatly,rememberes oh so well.


   Cthzupar turned around slowly,the looked at Dipper and sayd:

   "THIS is why she had to go."

   Hello there,readers!Not gonna make any stupid excuses up.I was just an lazy bitch.But whatever!

   I know one thing thou,and that is:

My comunity/readers split into three.

1.People who are genuinly happy that I'm not dead.

2.People who waited for so long they fon't even care about the story.

And 3.The thirty perscents that completly forgot about this book.

   Well,that's all I have.Don't expect any other chapters this week.School project.

*deep shigh*

   Well,thanks for reading and bye!

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