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*deep breath*

   Ok,I calmed down.But seriosly,how?!Through the power of Satanic magic is all I can think of.This comunity.This comunity man.This fucking comunity.You know,I've started to see a patern.Whenever someone says "Just so you know,this comunity is kinda salty" or things like that,they almost always exagerate.Unless it's Leauge of Legends.

   For exemple,when I first started playing the Soulsborne series,I expected to be instantly looked down uppon,to be said to "Git Gud" or be called a casual bitch or any other thing,but I wasn't.I beat almost all of Dark Souls 3 myself,I only neded help on *shivers* The Nameless King.I got him to one shot,died,rage quit the bought myself PSN.

  After that,Bloodborne.Beat the hole game myself.Right now I am a helper on these games.The guy you summon when you need help.The guy you ask anything about the game.I like to imagine myself as the guy who made someone else understand that this comunity is not that bad.

   But I am getting WAAAAAY off topic now.What I wanted to say when I mentioned the comunity is that they have,no,YOU have accepted me.I even made what people call "WattPad friends".Those are xanderwrites lt852000 and DannyEscobar4,all realy good writers,althou I don't think It is still active.

   Also,I know how this looks,in the middle of the chapter,but could you please read Danny's books?They get way too little attention for how good they are.

   You all accepted me,read my stories,
even made me laugh or smile from a comment.And all the support I got-holy hell am I suprised!I mean,this isn't even an original ideea,but from that screenshot at the start I can see that you guys (and girls,I know I only use guys but it feels more natural)still like it,and I can't thank you enough.

   Just as to show how good this comunity actualy is,in a my first chapter of "Random Thought of Ted Strange" I said my actual age,and nobody but lt852000 has comented on it,and he comented something verry positive.I don't feel good telling my age here,so I will let you read that chapter.

   Also,I am not dead,but summer homework is taking WAAAAAAY to much.Also,I am writing this while I should be writing my homework,so I think I know why it takes so long.But fuck responsibilities.So expect new chapters in weekends or randomly in the middle of the week.Yeah I'm not good at planing ahead.Well,thanks for reading,for everithing else and see you next chapter!

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