Growing Affections

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Y/n POV~~
After a while me and Jeff started to hang out more and almost every time he would hug me I blushed a dark pink and my father glared at him and honestly it's getting on my nerves. Everyone is in their room so to past the time besides killing I decided to sing a song.
(Play video just listen to lyrics to lazy to write them)
Little did I know a certain killer was listening to my song and watching me dance to it.

Jeffs POV:
'Damn I need to go get something to eat!' I was walking out of my room when I heard singing coming from (y/n)s' room when I looked through the crack of her door I saw her singing and dancing but the one thing that caught my attention was her beautiful voice but also the way her hips move with the beat but before she caught me I walked to kitchen and after a minute of standing there I thought to myself 'WOW she was so sexy and the way she sung was beautiful. The way her glistening hair looked in th--- HOLD THE HELL UP WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME I CAN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH SLENDERMANS DAUGHTER but she looked so cu-- NONONONO BAD JEFF BAD JEFF! Ok I do like her but what if she doesn't feel the same what if I get rejected? No tomorrow I will talk to her and see if she feels the same right after I fix a snack.'

But little did Jeff know that a certain creepypasta heard his thoughts.

??? POV: He feels the same way I do thank zalgo!

Hello my little killers I hope you enjoyed this chapter the reason why I haven't been updating is because I've been getting ready to go back to school yay *note the sarcasm* So from now on I'll try to update okay so that all for this chapter goodbye!

Hello my little killers I hope you enjoyed this chapter the reason why I haven't been updating is because I've been getting ready to go back to school yay *note the sarcasm* So from now on I'll try to update okay so that all for this chapter goodbye!

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