You are the daughter of the infamous Slenderman but unlike your father you looked like a normal teenage girl but you still had his powers. What happens when you meet a charming killer with a cut smile. If you wanna know read this story.
Y/n POV: When I woke up I felt like it was gonna be a good day so I decided to wear something a little different today and do my hair differently too. When I came out from the bathroom from my shower and after me changing my clothes and hair I looked like this.
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(Your skin and hair color and favorite dress color)
I looked pretty good then at that moment I heard scratching at my door I opened it and found smile with a note in his mouth.
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(Pretend its smile)
'Aww that is adorable!' Thinking this I told smile to go play somewhere so after I walked to jeffs room and knocked on his door. "Jeff can I talk to you it's y/n." Right after I say my name I hear shuffling and a big thud. "Oh my god jeff are you ok?" I asked while running in his room when I did I saw he was shirtless and he only had a pair of black and white boxers. "Oh my god I'm sorry I'll go wait outside!" I was walking to the door I felt myself being pushed against the wall and I heard the door close. "Where do you think your going?" Jeff said in a deep voice and now that I think about I'm getting aroused. "Nowhere Jeff because I wanted to tell you something." "And what is that hmm?" I got close to his ear and whispered "I love you too."
Jeffs POV: "I love you too" after she said that I lost it I pushed her up on the wall and started to make out with her while she put her legs around my waist. "Mmmm Jeff I love you ah" she said while moaning into the kiss. I'm glad these walls are sound proof. "Mmmm I love you too baby girl" after this was said I decided to let her down and go to my door and lock she look at me in confusion. "What are you doing?" "Making sure no one interrupts us" I said while sitting on my bed. I curled my right pointer finger at her to tell her to come here when she was in my range I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her onto my lap with that she wrapped her legs back around my waist I started to kiss up and down her neck. "Y/n even though you are slenders daughter you are still the most beautiful women I have ever seen so I wanted to ask wanna be my girl?" She looked at me with a flushed face. She looked at me and said "No" "(O _O)" "I'm kidding Jeff yes I will be you girl" she replied. She went down to my neck and stated to kiss it. "You will be my one *smooch* and *smooch only *smooch." While she was kissing I held her waist against my lap and I felt myself get hard that's when she stopped. "No Jeff your gonna have to wait for that" she said in a lewd voice. "You better be glad I have a little bit of self control" I said while kissing her neck again that's when I heard the most terrifying thing in the world "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER?!"
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(Ignore the ice cream)
Y/n POV: When I heard my dad shout I ended up on the floor to looked up with my dad chocking my boyfriend. "DAD STOP!" " STAY OUT OF THIS Y/N LET ME HANDLE THIS!" After my dad said that I saw Jeffs face going purple that's when I got mad "LET GO OF HIM NOW!" When I said this I let loose my tendrils out held my dad up in the air making him let Jeff go. I let go of my dad then he teleported out the room and went to Jeff and gave him a reassuring hug. I kissed him softly on the lips making him calm down. "I'm sorry about my dad Jeff" "It's alright baby girl all dads are protective of their daughter" When he said that I let him go and laying on his bed. "Cuddle me?" "Hehe ok I'll cuddle you" That is how y'all looked
'Well I know one thing being in love isn't so bad except for my father but we will pull through it.' I started to kiss along his jawline"I love you Jeff" " I love you too y/n" he said while he kissed my head. After that we just decided to stay there and take a nap.
Papa Slendys POV: After I calmed down I decided to teleport back to jeffs room and apologize. When I got there I saw them cuddling with Jeff holding her protectively. 'Maybe I should let him date my daughter just maybe she looks more happy with him I will talk about this later with Jeff.'