You are the daughter of the infamous Slenderman but unlike your father you looked like a normal teenage girl but you still had his powers. What happens when you meet a charming killer with a cut smile. If you wanna know read this story.
~~Hello my little killers well this is where Jeff meets your father and let me tell ya it's gonna be one hell of a ride. That all for now happy reading.
~Y/n's POV When we arrived at the mansion I opened the door and yelled "DAAAAAD I'M HOME!" That very instant my father transported in front of me and our killer guest. "Jeffery?" My father said in a deep,calm, although agitated voice. "You were supposed to be here two hours ago." "Well I would've been here quicker if it wasn't for princess over there." Right the time I was about to reply to his remark I heard the three male voices yell "Y/n,your back!" I already knew who the voices belonged to. "Hey Toby,Hoodie, and Masky." I said in my usual calm voice. Then I felt something hugging my legs and I instantly had a smile on my face. "Hey sally" I said in a happy tone so I don't make her sad."Hey sissie." (A/n: Technically you two are sisters since she sees slender as her father). Then she looked at Jeff. "Sis you is that?" She said in a innocent tone. "Sally this is Jeff and I brought him here so he can talk with father." I said while picking her up and giving her a hug. "Speaking of which where is your dad?" Jeff asked in a bored tone,I motioned to the tall faceless figure in front of us and he looked between me and my father very quickly for a good minute. "THAT'S YOUR DAD?!" He said in a surprised tone. "Yes he is you should of known by the tendrils by now." You said in a sarcastic voice "Now I would appreciate it if you would lower your voice." "Now back to the main point you were supposed to be here two hours ago and you made me get behind on my paperwork waiting for you." My father said while scrunching up his non existent nose. Well I would've been here quicker if it wasn't for the cops and princess here." While he said this he put his arm around my waist and started to stroke it."If you want to keep your arm I suggest you remove it from my waist." I said in a cold tone while putting sally back on the floor,while I did this he decide to slap my ass so I sent him flying against the wall caused by my tendrils. Jeff looked at you as if you had grown two heads everyone else looked other ways b/c they knew that when you get like this it's best not to anger you.
~~Jeffs POV 'Damn! I knew she had a bad temper but this is over the top though it makes me attracted to her NO NO NO Jeff you are a killer you can't love anyone,but she such glossy(H/C) hair and such a nice ass and she isn't so back in the front eith-NONONONO BAD JEFF BAD JEFF YOU CANT FALL IN LOVE, but she has such smooth (S/C) ski-NOOOO STUPID BRAIN!' While I was busy with my own thought I heard the most angelic giggle ever when I saw it was Y/n and I started to blush. 'Crap I forgot she's slenders child of course she can read minds.' Then the next moment I heard a voice in my head say "So you gonna get off the floor or not?". When I heard this I instantly jumped off the floor and dusted myself off. "Well let's meet the others creepypastas shall we?" Slenderman said in his deep voice."Ok cool." With that he called everyone else downstairs. "Ok so let's make this quick that LJ other know as Laughing Jack,EJ aka Eyeless Jack,Smile dog,clockwork,my fathers proxies Toby,Masky, and Hoodie, BEN, Dark Link and last but not least sally. (A/n: Hey I know some of you might like Jane but I'm not putting her in this story so don't hate I just don't want her in the way) Everyone this is Jeff the killer." Y/n said. No one uttered a single word or sound until the one called sally came up to me."Hey wanna play dress up?" "Uhhh well-" "Great!" With that she pulled me off to her room.
~~Y/n's POV ~~ After sally literally dragged Jeff upstairs to her room everyone bust out laughing even me and my father. "Man he's not gonna be happy later." Ej said while chewing on a kidney. "Well before she comes back down me and clockwork might as well go on up to her room room. Come on clockwork" I said while walking to the staircase with clockwork right behind me. When we reached sallys' room we both tried to hold in our laughs at the sight before us. It was Jeff in a pink princess peach outfit. This is exactly how it looked. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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When sally turned toward us we already knew what was coming next "I have the perfect outfit for you two!" 'Whoop there it is' after she shoved us both into the bathroom we changed and came out we didn't look half bad. ⬇️⬇️⬇️Outfits below
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Clockworks Outfit
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My outfit (For both outfit exclude the purses
~~Jeffs POV~~ When both clockwork and y/n came out the bathroom from changing my jaw just hung loose while looking at the pair mostly y/n. When I wasn't paying attention Sally forced me into the bathroom with new clothes and believe me when I came back out I looked MUCH better than before. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️Jeff outfit below
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When I walked back out like I'm a boss I saw y/n staring at me I smirked at my next thought 'Like what you see sweetheart?' When she shook herself out of her daze she looked away but not before I saw blush on her face. So the adventure finally begins.