Meeting the Uncles

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A/n:When I saw this picture I thought why not. Also I'm sorry for not updating for a while I will make it up to you all by getting at least two chapters done. That is all happy reading.

Jeffs POV:
"Hey y/n let's fight I wanna see how you fight." "Okay but I'm not going easy on you. Just let me go change K" "K but hurry up" Awhile later she came back wearing a training outfit.

 Just let me go change K" "K but hurry up" Awhile later she came back wearing a training outfit

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This is the outfit excluding the jacket. 'Damn is it just me or does she look like a badass in that outfit' "Well thank you Jeff she said. 'Crap I forgot she can read minds'. She just smirked at me.
In the middle of me and y/n fighting in the middle of the room I was about to slash her on the arm but out of nowhere two pairs of paper white and one black tendrils popped out of nowhere and picked me up and threw me into the wall. Then I heard three voices say in unison "NO ONE HURTS OUR NIECE!". When I looked in the direction of my attackers and saw three people similar to Slender.

 When I looked in the direction of my attackers and saw three people similar to Slender

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"They are my uncles Jeff." Y/n said in a bored tone. "THEY'RE YOUR UNCLES!" "Yes they are my uncle Trenderman,Offenderman,and Splendorman. Uncles this is our new killer Jeff." Y/n said. When I looked at them I saw them all glared at me. The one with the fedora came up to me and said to me with a threatening tone "Never hurt my rose ever again!" "Uncle Offendy I can take care of myself." "I know my rose but I only do this to make sure he doesn't hurt you"

Ok my little killers that all for right now see you in the next chapter.

Ok my little killers that all for right now see you in the next chapter

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