Chapter 9-Little Brother

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Red Arrow's POV

"Roy?" He heard Dick say weakly, still unable to turn his head. 

"Hey Dick. I was worried about you." Roy admitted softly, stepping into the young hero's line of sight and gently brushing a few stray ebony hairs out of Dick's face. Noticing the boy wonder's seemingly ever-present mask, Roy gently peeled it off to reveal his younger brother-figure's electric blue eyes. 

"You don't even know how many times I've heard that today." Robin groaned, despite the small smile forming on his unmasked face.

Roy scoffed, but concern quickly washed away his amusement. "How are you feeling?" The archer asked worriedly. "You scared me half to death."

"I-I don't know. I feel fine, until, you know, I look at my lower body and realize that if I could feel it, the pain would probably be a lot worse." Dick explained giving the archer a tight smile. 

"Well, I think you're about to test that theory," came the the gruff voice of the dark knight who had suddenly appeared behind Roy.

"Bruce? What do you mean?" A confused bird asked.

"The inhibitor collar were just for stability when you were in a coma. It can be removed now." Batman explained. "We will give you some pain killers, although they will wear off once you get settled. You will be in more pain, but it will help you heal faster."

"I'm not sure this is a good idea Bruce. I mean he's just a kid..." Roy worried.

"Roy, I can handle it. I'll be fine." Dick told him flatly.

"Roy sighed, nodding apprehensively and stepping back as Batman began removing assorted medical machinery. 


*a couple hours later*

Slowly cracking open his eyes, Dick found himself lying on a bed back in the cave's infirmary. Looking around, he realized that he could move his head! That's when the last couple hours came rushing back to him. Batman was going to remove his inhibitor collar, but decided to put his protégé to sleep first.


After making Dick swallow a nasty pill, Batman told him to start counting down from ten. The billionaire's ward was confused at first, but he did it anyway.

"Ten, nine, eight, sev..." but before he reached six, his eyelids fluttered close and Dick fell into a deep sleep.

*end flashback*

Does that mean I can move my legs now? Robin thought, his curiosity getting the better of him. As his slowly tried to bend his right leg, a sharp pain shot up into his chest and he winced, sucking in a sharp breath. Okay so maybe Bruce was right about the pain thing. But at least I can move now! Robin thought optimistically. His right leg was sit in a bent position, but he didn't have the strength to move it back. 

After a little while, Batman entered the room along with Roy to find Dick sitting up in his bed. At first, Batman shot a quick glance at his protégé's bent leg, realizing that the boy had tried to move a bit, but had obviously been unsuccessful. Roy took no notice to it. 

"Dick!" Roy said, gently embracing the young boy. Dick hugged him back, hiding a grimace of pain when he lifted his arms, which again, only Batman noticed. 

"How do you feel?" The dark knight asked, his voice ridden with guilt.

"Well the pain killers sure are wearing off, but I feel okay," Dick replied, shooting a glance at Bruce, noticing his obvious remorse. Don't blame yourself Bruce. This isn't your fault. Although the billionaire got the message, the regret didn't disappear from his masked face, however hard he tried to hide it from Dick. 

"Good, because the team has been nagging me all day to let them come and see you," Batman told him, obviously trying and failing to cover up the still-present guilt in his voice.  Unfortunately for the vigilante, no one could hide something from the ward of Batman, not even the caped crusader himself. 

Robin automatically reached up to his face at Batman's mention of the team, but remembered that Roy had removed his mask. Turning to his adopted father, Dick opened his mouth to ask for it, but Bruce was already handing Dick his dark shades. Smiling gratefully, Robin but them on, nodding to Batman. The dark night opened the door, calling in the team, who had been anxiously waiting in the living room.

I finally get to see the team! Wally, M'gann, Artemis, Kaldur, and Conner... Dick thought. Finally.

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