Chapter 16

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Everything began to go in very slow motion for Judy. It was nine o clock when she reached the city centre.

She got out of the van, and Pete told her he had to find a parking spot.

Judy looked around for her best friend and finally saw him. Patrolling the streets with his sunglasses on, and his injured arm in a sling. He was just a few side streets away in the distance and Judy began to walk his direction. Her eyes too tired to get out anymore tears. Though she would cry for him all night if she could.

She approached Nick from behind and tapped his shoulder. The fox turned around, and his eyes gazed at her. His also in pain at all that he had done.

"Judy..." he said. His voice was a little shaken and she only collapsed in his arms, hugging him so tightly.

Nick froze... he was so confused. He hadn't seen her in two days, and after that argument he thought she wouldn't want to talk to him for at least a week. But here she was, hugging him... and he slowly wrapped his arms around her, so lost.

"What's wrong."

"You never did anything..." Judy whimpered into his chest, and he looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about, Baby Cakes?" He asked with a warm voice. Though the one night stand from only a night ago went through his mind... and he knew he had done something... something so untrue to himself.

He had to tell her.

"Judy... please don't cry."

He could feel her tears soaking into his police uniform and the rabbit just looked up at him, her violet eyes begging.

"Nick, listen to me... you never killed those monkeys. You're innocent."

"How do you know?"

He suddenly saw the pure pain in her eyes, the utter truth of all she had been through staring right through to his soul and he swallowed.

"I'm so sorry, Nick..." Judy just whispered and hugged him tighter.

Suddenly the screens on the buildings started to flicker. Judy closed her eyes... the time had come.

Animals looked up at the giant screens confused, only to see moments later, video footage being played of Nick and Judy at the chasm.

"Mr Hunts was on sleeping tablets, not 'No more scary Nightmare tablets.'"

Nick turned his eyes away from Judy, as he heard his voice on the speakers belonging to the city, and he let go of her lost. He watched as he saw his recorded self talk, his eyes widening in horror.

"Some side affects included drowsiness, loss of concentration... and sleep walking."

"What are you saying?" Judy, on the screen, said and Nick continued.

"I think Mr Hunts... shared the tablets around with some primates... and the unlucky ones... slept walked off into this chasm."

All the animals watched in shock and disbelief as the scene played out.

"I'm sorry, Judy... I was just... well... after sales."

"That can't be it."

The animals watched on screen how intimate the predator and prey were to each other, and the words Judy whispered to him.

"Nick, I don't believe you killed them."

"I did, but."

"No... they aren't dead... they can't be."


Judy looked at Nick as he watched the screen, his whole world crumbling around him... everything just being... taken.

"Get some choppers down there and I swear you will find skeletons."

"No. You are not dangerous... They are not dead. No one has to know... this case is..."

All the crowds watched to see what the rabbit on screen would say. The role model for the city, what her words would be. To condemn Nick, do the right thing... or to do something else.

Judy only cried on the street, trying to say to Nick again and again.

"You're innocent, Nick! I swear to God, you never k-killed t-them!"

"This case is dead..." The rabbit on screen said just then, and the crowd gasped. They looked at Nick, the obvious one in his police outfit... and then at Judy. The bunny swallowed in pain as her voice said loud on the screen for all to hear

"we solved it in two hours. Let's go back to the station."

Nick looked at Judy, his heart quaking, his body shivering in fear and helplessness. Judy looked back at him, and just.

Just cried...

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now