The End

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All he had seen was the kiss. Green eyes watched off in the distance. A bruised and battered fox in a waist coat with sun glasses and a hat on, only watched the girl of his heart move on.

Nick had escaped.

And he had only wanted to see her one last time... to tell her he was okay. To tell her... he loved her.

But it was too late. She loved someone else.

He didn't have the energy to feel anything more than just sorrow... a coldness going through him. He had been in hiding for four days. And today... he was going to get a train ticket out of this city so he could start a new future.

So he could have his freedom.

He watched Judy as she talked to Pete in the distance after the kiss. Nick dug his paw into his pocket and pulled out the carrot voice recorder.

He spoke into it sadly.

"Goodbye, Judy..."

He turned around to leave the park... to leave his life... to leave Judy.

As he walked towards the park gate he felt someone bump into him hard, and he fell to the ground. The animal who had knocked him also tripping over too.

He glared up annoyed, but worried his identity might be compromised. He suddenly saw the carrot recorder had dropped out of his pocket and was laying between him and the other animal.

Before he could scamper to pick it up he heard a voice say quietly.


Her voice.

Her... v-voice...

He slowly looked his eyes up and saw violet eyes stare back at him. Eyes just as shocked as his.

Judy had left Pete to start to investigate in private the surrounding area of the prison but she had been knocked forward in her hurry by a fox in a waist coat.


Nick... Wilde.

She looked down to the voice recorder, Nick not moving, frozen himself. She picked it up and pressed play, hearing his voice say, quietly.

"Goodbye, Judy..."

"Nick... you're... you're alive!"

"Shhh!" He whispered to her in haste and he quickly got up, helping her up too. She looked at him, just so happy... so joyous.

So... suddenly shy.

She loved him... SHE LOVED HIM. And only him.

"Nick, I-"

"I'm happy for you two..." Nick just said to her quietly and she paused. She looked at him confused. He continued, "You and Pete... you'll be h-happy together..."

"Me and Pete...?" She said with a startled voice. She looked at him, lost. "Me... and Pete...?"

"I knew from the moment you two saw each other, you would be together..." Nick said back quietly, but placed the carrot recorder in his pocket. "I knew it was love at first sight."

Judy pulled a funny look at that. Almost giving a small silly laugh. "What?"

"Look... I have to go. I can't stay here..." Nick looked at her quietly, hurting so much inside as he said in a whisper. His words slicing through Judy. "I'm leaving the city... as a fugitive."

"No..." Judy whispered back, her eyes tearing up and she ran to him, holding his paws and begging him, "No, Nick, don't!"

"You'll be alright without me..." he said back quietly, and looked at Pete in the distance. Only to see the male rabbit was sitting down depressed on his seat and Nick pulled a confused expression.

"Nick, I will never be alright without you!"

He didn't understand her tears, why she was so upset and he said to her. "But you have-"

"I. LOVE. YOU. NICK." She just said out loud, her voice as steady as she could make it. He froze at the words and Judy said again, her heart breaking if he didn't hear her soul cry for him. "I am in love with you!"

"But...?" he said, so baffled. So lost. He had to tell her. He had to finally say what he wanted to for so long.

"I love you... too."

"Please don't leave!" Judy begged, falling into his arms and he held her, helpless. He had to. He needed to.

"I can't stay here... my train is leaving in an hour."

Judy felt her heart beating frantically. She thought of her life... her childhood, her friends and family. Her career... the day she met Nick... the explosion... and how he was the only one that made her feel like she could go on.

He made her want to go on with him.

"Take me with you..."

Nick froze. He couldn't ask her to give up her life. Her whole world for him and he begged her back.

"Judy, please don't ask me to do this."

"Just give me your answer, Nick." She begged, tears rushing down her face and he felt his heart beat only for her. He didn't want to take away her future. "Yes, or no... just say, yes... or no."

He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear.

"Only you can decide that... because I can't say no to you. I can't say no..."

Judy gave a heart breaking smile, and looked up at him, seeing his emerald eyes just staring helplessly into hers and she nodded her head.

She kissed him gently on the lips, pulling back only barely, as he took in the faint warm touch.

He didn't want to cry... but he felt this happiness came with a cruel acceptance.

They had to leave Zootopia. In one hour.

They let go of each other but their paws reached down to the other's in a firm hand hold and Nick smiled, in tears, at Judy.

She only nodded slowly back.

They disappeared into the crowds of the bustling streets.

Not being seen in Zootopia... again.

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now