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Draco woke up to Pansy shaking him.
"Draco... Draco!" she hissed
"What? I wasn't sleeping, I had my eyes closed" he mumbled, still groggy from sleep.
"Clearly all that staring at Potter left you exhausted"
The mention of the boy woke Draco up, rolling his eyes he got to his feet.

The carriages were waiting. Pansy got into the nearest empty one and pulled Draco with her.
"So, mind explaining what happened in the train?"she asked casually
The boy weighed his options, if he told Pansy she would probably make fun of him but if he didn't she would start hypothesizing and that was never a good thing.
" Tell you later" he finally decided, hoping that by then his friend would have found somebody else to annoy.


The Great Hall was, as always, lovely.
Candles floating in the air, deafening chatter and the thought of food made Draco momentary forget all his troubles.
But when he sat down he noticed certain details.
Blood stains and signs of missed Unforgivables on the walls. Puffy-eyed teachers. Certain parts of the castle were still being redone, for Merlin's sake!
Still, he loved this school. In past years it made him feel more at home than the manor.
After the Sorting, during which Draco, begrudgingly, made space for the first year Slytherins, the headmistress made an announcement that made the blonde pass out for the third time that day.
" And finally, all eighth years will have to spend much more time together since we have a limited amount of time, classrooms and teachers. All classes will be joined and you may use the Room of Requirement as a place to do your homework. This last precaution has been made because we want our student not to be distracted from their studies."
As the food appeared Draco sighed, this was going to be either his best or his worst school year.
He looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Weasley and Granger having an animated discussion about who-knows-what and Potter forlornly poking at his dinner.
That boy was broken and if Draco didn't help him than he soon wouldn't have the strength to live.

Sorry I have been inactive, hope you can forgive me.
New chapter is coming out immediately!

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