First encounter

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Ah, first day of a new school year. Draco had always thought it showed how his year would go.
Up to now he had had more bad first days than good ones and he was determined to change that.
He woke up with a feeling dread. As he dressed he looked at himself in the mirror. During the summer he had cut his hair but it had grown quicker than he had expected. His eyes seemed plain and boring.
'Unlike Potters.'
He sighed, thinking about that breathtaking shade of green.

Draco did not go to the Great Hall for breakfast. Instead he strolled through the endless hallways.
'What am going to do about Potter?' he asked himself 'First off I should befriend him... no, no scratch that, I should be on civil terms with him... that sounds more likely... it's not as if he's just going to throw awgay years of hate out the window...'
Draco was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice the person speedily walking in the opposite direction until it bumped into to him.
"Watch where you're going you, bloody idiot!" he hissed, his vision blurry from the impact that had sent them both to the floor.
"Sorry Malfoy" said a voice the blonde knew all too well, he was about to respond with an insult, as he did usually when talking to Potter but he then realized something that made his heart beat a little bit faster. Harry's voice was devoid of any sarcasm. It was simply laced with sadness. Any other person would have just assumed that his voice was just gruff or uncaring
But Malfoy had spent many a year listening to the raven haired boy's voice as he laughed  at his friends and joked around.
His tone and eyes softened as he got up and he did probably the most unlikely thing in the history of Hogwarts and the Malfoys.
He smiled and reached his hand out towards Potter.
"It's fine, but if I may ask, what are you doing at this time wandering around the school when you should be with your little friends in the Great Hall?"
The boy on the floor just  gaped at him.
'Is Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter's arch enemy, actually being civil to me?!' Harry asked himself.
'Not to mention the boy you've been crushing on since the end of the war...' an annoying little voice added.
Seizing the opportunity he grabbed the hand that Malfoy was offering and, with the grunt, pulled himself up.
"Sorry Dra- err Malfoy, I wasn't really hungry and my friends won't let me say two words."
'Why am I telling Malfoy this, of all people?!' Harry screamed internally as his mouth rambled on.
The Slytherin just gave Harry an understanding look.
"It's just, I feel like Ron and Hermione, now that they are a couple, don't have time for me...I'm not trying to sound brattish... it's just, I sort of miss the days of the Golden Trio..."
"Harry Potter, For Merlin sake're the boy that lived... twice! Surely you have the entire school wanting to be your friend!" Draco scolded, but not really.
Harry snorted,
"It's not as if they're gonna want to be my friends after they know that I'm-" The Gryffindor abruptly stopped , his eyes widened in terror as he stared at his feet. Draco looked down.
No- Harry wasn't looking at his feet, but rather his hand...- their hands.
Draco's long, elegant fingers were intertwined with Harry slightly shorter and rougher ones.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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