Eighth years

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Draco was looking for an empty compartment when Pansy caught up with him.
"Draco!" she squealed, pulling him into an embrace "Oh I missed you so much!".
"Dear Merlin Pansy! Yes, I missed you too... now please get off me!"
As they separated Draco added
" Do you have a compartment?"
Pansy's face lit up at the question.
" Yeah! Though we have to share it with  Hermione and the other eighth years"
Draco raised an eyebrow, "Using Granger's first name are we now?"
Pansy hit his arm playfully, then replied, dead serious,
"You may have a grudge against Hermione but I don't, she helped me after the war, she made me a better person and I will not keep being mean to the person that saved me from drowning in pain."
Taken aback by her answer, he looked into her eyes and nodded.
Granger had helped Pansy a lot.
He then hugged her one more time and then set off towards the eighth year compartment.
As they were about to open the door something occurred to Draco
"Pansy,  if we are sharing this compartment with all the other eighth years than that means..."
Pansy laughed and then answered, "Yes Draco, you get to be in a small environment with Potter."
"Now why would you think I was going to ask about Potter!?" Draco protested
"Oh darling," putting a hand on the boy's cheek "You always do."
Draco just stared and tried to figure what she meant by that
"Oh and no trying to kill each other because this is my last year and I want it to be the best...". Although he was still confused by what the girl had said earlier he managed to smirk
"Don't count on it"
Pansy tried to glare at him but sort of failed.
They opened the door and Draco almost fainted.

Don't worry, the next chapter is coming out immediately.
Reviews are welcome!

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