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The idea of superpowers has been represented in the media for years. Whether in books, comics, films or tv shows people have always loved and adored them. The amazing abilities the characters had fascinated people, hundreds of people. But no matter how much it's admired, at the end of the day people come to realise that it's purely the work of fiction, a director or an author are always behind it.

For years Yugyeom thought the same thing. Until that fateful day when he discovered everything he'd read and watched about superpowers was fact, not fiction.

That day he was sent away from his home by his mother, whom didn't fear him but feared her sons ability to control his powers. They shared many hugs and shed many tears that day, until Yugyeom was whisked away by the company that was now to take care of him.

"JYP's School For Talented Youth"

It looked nothing like the school Yugyeom once attended. The high, grey walls gave off more of a prison vibe than a school, the barbed wire on top was no help for its image. Watch towers surrounded the school, both inside and outside its gates. Armed security guards stood inside them, holding the gun to their chest and holding the trigger lightly. Yugyeom felt a shiver down his back.

"This isn't right" he thought.

They entered the school building and Yugyeom was walked into an office.

Inside sat a man, he looked around his mid-forties, with yet another two armed security guards stood either side of him.

"Ah you must be Yugyeom! It's a pleasure to meet you, please, do sit down!" he held out his hand, Yugyeom rejected the offer and took a seat. He was too upset from the days events to even give a simple gesture such as a handshake.
"Ehem," the man cleared his throat "well I'm Park Jinyoung, better known as JYP and I'm the headmaster of this school. As you may have guessed, this is no ordinary school, it's dedicated to teaching and supporting kids who have powers, like you. Not only will you be taught here, you will live here too. School starts at 8:45 and ends at 1:45. In this time you'll be taught English,maths and science alongside a other subject of your choice. However, unlike other schools, here you are taught how to control your powers, training starts at 3:45 and ends when your instructor tells you so. As it is late I'll send you up to your room now, usually I would let you do some exploring but many of the younger students are asleep now and we do not want to wake them. Get to know your roommates, you'll be with them for a long time".

Yugyeom sighed, he didn't want this, he didn't want to be special, he just wanted to go home. He wanted to be with his family. He wanted to go to his old school, where no one really thought much of him, where no one really cared. But change is inevitable, he's stuck here now, unable to leave or even visit his mother. He knew she was hurting right now, it was his fault. All he wanted was to go comfort her, but you can't always get what you want.

Yugyeom walked out of JYPs office and was escorted upstairs.

"This is your dorm, you'll live her from now on alongside five other boys, they're already inside. My name is Jae by the way, if you need anything just come and find me, I'll help you out any day" Jae waved to him as Yugyeom opened the door to his dorm.

The quiet chatter from the five other boys came to a halt as Yugyeom walked in, their faces filled with confusion.
"Jaebum hyung, who's that?" a boy who shared a strange resemblance to an otter questioned.
"Uhh...I'm Yugyeom, nice to meet you?" He felt heat rush to his cheeks, he'd always hated talking to people and here he was, in front of five other boys, blushing like an idiot.

Yugyeom felt sick.
"Leave the poor boy alone Jackson, he's probably nervous. We should introduce ourselves, I'm Park Jinyoung and yes before you ask I have the same name as the headteacher. We are not related. I can fly and control electricity."
"He seems nice" Yugyeom thought.
"Hey I'm Jackson Wang!" the overly excited guy from before remarked, seemingly calmer than before, " I'm from China but I was sent here after my powers were discovered. I may or may not have thrown a truck...or two. I'm also a swordsman."

"I'm Mark Tuan, I'm from America but I'm Taiwanese. I'm telepathic and I can control water"

"Hello! I'm Choi Youngjae! I have healing powers and I can fly like Jinyoungie hyung!" the otter looking boy from before exclaimed, obvious excitement in his voice.

"And I'm Im Jaebum, I can create and control fire." A small fire ball appeared in his hand and slowly morphed into a phonix before extinguishing itself, "Mark's the oldest and Youngjae is the youngest, well he might not be anymore, how old are you?"
"I'm 11"
"Hyung!!!! I'm not the youngest anymore!!!"

(Yugyeoms thoughts)
"Well this is gonna be interesting..."
"Trust me, they can be a lot sometimes but they're amazing, really " a familiar voice laughed.
"Wait, Mark hyung?"
"I'm telepathic Yugyeom I can get into your head"
"Oh right..."
"You're upset, why?"
"I really don't wanna say"
"Look, I'll find out anyway please just tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone, I swear on it."
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone this, ever, but I guess I have no choice with you."
"No, you don't, but fear not! Your secret is safe with me."

For any of you wondering where bambam is, don't worry he'll be here soon.

Metathesiophobia {Yugbam}Where stories live. Discover now