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Yugyeom woke up freezing.

It was the middle of summer, so why was he cold? He turned to his clock, 7am.

"What the hell is going on?"

He stormed out his room, only to slip on the strangely cold floor. No one in this dorm had any weather powers, that he knew of. So there leaves only one culprit.


Holding onto the wall, Yugyeom made his way over to the living room and to his surprise, all the furniture was gone and it was completely frozen. As if to shock him more, five boys sat in the middle laughing their head off at a small boy prancing around the makeshift ice rink.

"OKAY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? ITS 7AM ARE YOU CRAZY?" Yugyeom screeched at the top of his lungs, causing Bambam to fall on his butt.

"Sorry Yugyeom, Jackson found out Bambam had ice powers and wanted to recreate that scene from Frozen. You know the one where th-"
"Relax Yugyeom! It's in my room calm yourself!"

Yugyeom was fuming.

This boy had the cheek to freeze his apartment the first day he was there. The first day! He was so ready to wrap that kid in a tree trunk right now.

"I'm sorry if I've annoyed you Yugyeom, I can get rid of it if you want?" Bambam offered.
"What the hell do you think I want?" Yugyeom snapped.

Bambam jumped at his sudden words but quickly steadied himself and with a wave of a hand, the ice was gone.

"Oy! Yugyeom don't speak to your hyung like that!" Jackson shouted.
"You're telling me HES" he pointed at Bambam accusingly, "MY HYUNG?"
"Aha yeah I-I am" Bambam stuttered "only by a couple months though!"

The seven arrived at JYPs office at around 8:55, just in time.

"He says we can come in guys, I got in his head."

They all squeezed in the small office, obviously it wasn't made for 8 people to be in.

"Welcome boys to your first mission briefing. Now before we begin, we need a team name since it'd be easier to call you something as a whole rather than individually. Any ideas?"
"Well we already call ourselves Got6 and if we include Bambam we're Got7"
"I think that's a wonderful name Jaebum, do we all agree."
All seven nodded in agreement besides Yugyeom, who sighed and nodded to not be annoying.

"Well then Got7, as you know, we need you to hunt down a group called BTS. They're a huge threat, to ordinary people, but to us superhumans. For years now there have been hundreds of superhumans disappearing mysteriously without a trace, all except for one, Kim Mingyu."
A photo flashed up on the screen behind JYP, a man (presumably Kim Mingyu) was slung over the shoulder of another man. However, the picture was extremely blurry and a large purple ring was in front of the two.
"This photo was taken the exact moment Kim Mingyu disappeared. The man holding him, is Jeon Jungkook, an 18 year old boy with teleportation powers. He is a member of BTS. Through him we were able to find out the identities and powers of the other members. Kim Namjoon: he can control metal, he is the leader of this group. Kim Seokjin: Hypnosis, he's the eldest of the group and is thought the to hypnotise victims before they are taken. Min Yoongi: Can clone himself, not much is known of him but he's classified as dangerous. Jung Hoseok: Wind, he may seem friendly but he has violent tendencies. Park Jimin: Shapeshifter, it is thought that he lures victims to where they are to be taken. Kim Taehyung: his power is unknown, he's never been seen, nothing is known of him. We have intel that the next victim is Oh Sehun, we need you to go to XXX XXX and wait outside his house to check for intruders. If there's anything odd, investigate. You're dismissed."

"Hyung, I'm so cold!"
"Bambam for one its summer, for two you control ice for heavens sake! How can you be cold?"
"I'm from Thailand, Jinyoung hyung, and my ice isn't cold to me, it feels like anything else."
"You two shut it, we don't want Oh Sehun coming out here!"
"Sorry Jaebum hyung."

A strong gust of wind thumped against them and directly hit Oh Sehuns windows, smashing them to pieces.

"Okay team, we need to split up."
"This isn't Scooby Doo Jaebum..."
"This isn't the time for jokes Jackson, anyway Jinyoung, Youngjae, come with me. Mark go with Jackson and Yugyeom with Bambam. Don't die."

Of all people, Bambam, really?

"Yugyeom-ah, stay by my side."

That's the last thing he wanted to do.

"Bambam hyung, I think it would be better if you stayed in this room and kept an eye out. This looks like Oh Sehuns bedroom, he might be hiding somewhere! I'll check the bathroom!"
"O-oh okay then..."

Yugyeom knew he took advantage of how gullible the boy was, he regretted nothing. Bambam made him feel weird, he didn't like it, it was different.

He didn't lie about looking in the bathroom, in fact, he found something pretty big, something that could change everything.

A calendar.

With a flight to China marked on it.

The date was three weeks ago.

Oh Sehun was in China.

Then why were BTS here?

A blood curdling scream was heard from the next room.


Yugyeom sprinted around the corner faster than he's ever ran before.

Bambam was up to his neck in metal.
Vines erupted from the ground and wrapped itself around the pieces of metal coiled around Bambam's body and tore it off him.

Bambam flopped onto the floor, his clothes soaking wet.  Yugyeom dropped to his knees before him and held him in his arms.
"I-I tried but he was too strong. He melted all my ice with his metal."
"Kim Namjoon."


When they returned to the dorm Yugyeom was prepared for a lecture from Jaebum, and it was one hell of lecture.

"You not only comprised the mission, but you endangered your teammates life because you didn't want to be with him? On whAT PLANET IS THAT OKAY KIM YUGYEOM?"
"I'm sorry hyung, it'll never happen again I swear."

Something clicked in Yugyeom today. He didn't know what, but something made him vow to never let Bambam get hurt again.

Oooooooohhhh Yugbam is hereeeeee.

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