1.) Just a Bad Dream

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   - Just saying, when I do requests, I don't mention who asked for them. If you request a name of the character, I'll do it. But if you don't, I name the character: Ingrid. -

*There might be some mistakes!*

     Ingrid's head jerked above, just to be stopped by a rope. Her head was spinning five hundred times faster than it should have, asking simple questions including, "How'd I get here?," "where's Barry?  Caitlin, Cisco?" Ingrid nervously began to sweat, her breathing became hatched and not normal. After a few minutes of deciding what to do, she finally decided to talk. "Hello?! Anyone there?!"  When no one answered, she felt the tiniest bit of relief. Something probably just happened between Barry and Snart, including her. The crew probably just forgot 'bout her, and we're on their way to rescue her now. 

   A few minutes later, Ingrid slowly began to get worried. She could feel the cold, moist  sweat dripping down her head at ease. She felt her hands tied behind her chair, for a second she thought she was stuck there forever. But then she could slightly feel the looseness of the ropes. Hope. Her hands gided Ingrid, to get the heavy knots out.  A few minutes of struggling whipped by, as she finally exhaled in relief. Ingrid then grunted as she realized she still had to get her neck .. and legs.

   Ingrid dusted herself off, smiling knowing she was now going home. But she couldn't help but feel the unsure, and lingering feeling arising in her chest. She looked around the room, noticing her surroundings. A darkly dimmed room, large though, as Ingrid squinted to see, she saw shiny tools and experimental boxes, and a patched up repair from when Tony..


    That was the first thing that ran through Ingrid's head. As she slowly connected the pieces  together, she realized that she was in the basement of STAR labs. Ingrid rubbed her palms together, realizing that she was sweating bullets. Her head kept rambling on in on. Whoever put her in there, didn't do it by mistake. Her eyes began to water, wondering if her friends were in trouble. Once again, Ingrid began to yell, but more fiercely this time around. 

    "Barry!! Anyone?! It's me, Ingrid.." 

    After no response, she didn't give up. Not for her best friends. This time around she went full blast, screaming. 

      "CAITLIN?! CISCO RAMON, H2? CISCO YOU GOD DAMN NUGGET! Come down and get me now!"

      Her voice cracked at the end, awaiting the empty response. Ingrid paced back and fourth, trying to figure out what to do next. "The door." Her mind spoke softly in her head. She zoomed right up to it, but figured out it was locked. She slid down to her knees, whimpering quietly. Her fist slammed the door harshly as she whispered, "please. Oh please let me out"  but  to no avail.

      By now she was just getting annoyed. She quietly went up to the door and knocked, "Pleaassee can you let me out? I swear Snart, If this is you..I'm gonna kick your ass"  Ingrid faintly smiled at her joke. At least she should stay positive while she's at it. As she leaned her back against the door, Ingrid was oblivious to the silent, steady rhythm of the footsteps. Before long (cough cough 20 minutes) Ingrid realized that the sudden thuds, wasn't  just her imagination. When she finally turned around.. wasn't what she expected.

     The door that was once behind her got flung on her, causing Ingrid to fly and crash into the wall.  Ingrid rubbed her nose, but saw that deep rose red blood trickled down her arm. She gaped, somepart of her in shock. Somewhat in extreme pain. As she looked up to see who hurt her, tears trickled down her face. This was not happening, this. Was not happening. She felt herself lose oxygen, but from herself. She was hyperventilating. She looked up at her love.

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