Chapter 2

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"When I was little, my mom used to tell me stories about fairies, mermaids, witches, that kind of stuff. She would tell them like you would a child, until she started to sound like she actually believed them. My mom thought all stories were true. She started going crazy, screaming that she was right , and everyone needed to believe her. One night, exactly two years form tonight, my mom came into my room. I thought she was just going to say good night," I sniffled, wiping the tears off my face. "Sorry, just give me a sec." I grabbed a tissue, blew my nose, and threw the tissue away.

"Okay, so, I thought she was just gonna say good night. But, she didn't. Instead she said, and I quote, 'I love you, Lilianna. You are going to do great things. One day, you will believe me. I promise you that. But you have to promise me something, okay?' I said yes. 'You won't say these words I am about to tell you until you are ready to believe me.' She told me the words, and I promised I wouldn't say them until I really believed her. I'm not sure i do yet, though. I didn't even tell my dad about this."

"Do you think you will believe her one day? I mean, she is your mom. Moms don't usually lie to their only child." Peyton said, rather inquisitively.

"You may be right, but I don't know." I said, tears still streaming down my face.

"What did she say, you could write it down if you don't want to say it."

"I guess I'll just say it, I mean, what could it do?"

"Exactly, now say it."

"She said, just like this." I put my hands out in front of me. "Wait, before I say it, let me just tell you that I think I had a dream that made this whole thing even crazier. This dark blue flame came from her hand when she said it, in the dream of course. But after, she said, 'You and I are from a world where everything is different. You will see, one day.' But her words, the ones she told me not to say, were these." I closed my eyes, remembering the dream. "'Let me see my true self, the one I keep hidden. Light will dawn on me, I will start my journey now. Fire will light my way, and I will be me, for the first time in a long time.'" I opened my eyes to see a teal flame coming from my hands. Peyton was staring at the flame, too.

"Lily? What did you do?" Peyton asked, kind of scared.

"I-I don't know." I closed my hands, and the flame disappeared.

"Your true self, you don't think."

"That wasn't a dream, was it."

Peyton looked straight into my eyes. "No, it wasn't."

"I think I'm a witch."

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