Chapter 14

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Beau's POV

Lily got control of the fire, the water, and collapsed. She didn't pass out or anything, just fell down and began crying. Her body shuddered, until it didn't anymore. It looked like Lily just stopped crying, but I soon realized she wasn't breathing. I ran to her side, calling her name. She didn't answer. I gave her CPR, but that didn't work either. I remembered I had mastered all my powers, and healing came with the earth magic. I hovered my hands over her chest, by her heart. The magic flowed through me, my hands, to her. I finally got her to start breathing again, and continued to use the magic to try and wake her. After about 5 more minutes, I was too drained to keep going. So I sat back, and let the ground give me more energy. Yeah, because earth was my first power, the earth gives me a lot of energy. It's actually pretty cool. I hope fire may give Lily more energy.

But, I don't know what it is, but something seems different about Lily. I've seen other witches and wizards have their moments when they lose control. I've seen kids do it too, and the kids' powers go crazy. But when Lily loses control, her moments are extremely strong. I can actually feel the energy radiating off of her. Only really strong, powerful, and trained witches and wizards can do that. Others can too, but I cant remember who. I've been thinking about it ever since the first time she lost control, the night she woke up. And only few people have fire as their first power, everyone else normally gets earth or water. My father told me all of this. He used to study this kind of stuff, powerful witches and wizards, and their differences to normal ones. He said I have special blood, because I can change the color of my eyes. He can too, but not many can. Lily can change both her eyes and her hair, which makes her even more interesting.

Not to mention the fact that she's absolutely gorgeous. I mean, I want to ask her out, but I don't know if she likes me back.

I'm pulled from my thoughts from Lily screaming, and look at her. Her back is arched up and her hands are open and palm up. I see her body tensing, and then fire starts forming around us. Water pools around the two of us, and the wind starts to blow, hard. I get the fire away first, and then will the ground to soak up the water. The wind eventually stops blowing so hard, and I pick Lily up, well I try to. She's burning hot, too hot to touch. I try to take away some of the fire, and it actually works. I then pick her up and bring her to the couch in the living room. I grab some cloth and wet it, placing it on her forehead. Her face is warm, which is probably just the fire coursing through her veins. I get a glass of cold water and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch. I then sit in the arm chair to the right of the couch, and just watch her. I sit like this, making sure she's okay, until I eventually fall asleep.

This is really just a filler chapter, a longer chapter should be up tomorrow. I'm sorry its taken me so long to write, I've been busy with school and all that good stuff. Let me know what you think. Do you think Beau and Lily would make a cute couple? Who do you think the people Beau can't remember are? Your feedback would be amazing, it'll let me know what you think will hppen in the chapters to come! Love ya!!

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