Chapter 1

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Scarlett pov:

I muttered profanities under my breath as I relentlessly dragged my burning legs to school. I was going to be late. My heart was racing so fast.

It was the first day back after the Christmas break and I was currently in my senior year. My breathing became heavier with each moment as I took a break to calm down.

Man I needed to exercise more.

Just as I was about to storm off once again, a piercing scream rang through my ears. I came to an abrupt halt as I took in my surroundings. The scraping of metal screeched through my ears as I struggled to shield my ears from such a deafening noise.

My eyes averted to the lifeless woman lying beside the incident that had taken place. My heart stopped in my chest. Registering what had happened, I rushed to the woman. Her leg seemed to be in a position that it most definitely should not be in. Her face was littered with small cuts.

I leaned down immediately and checked for any sort of movement. I checked her airways and gasped a sigh of relief as she was alive. Nevertheless, I placed her in the recovery position, ensuring that her leg was not moved at all. This road seemed to be less busy so there was only a man beside me.

"Is she okay?" He asked, fear in his eyes. His shirt was covered in blood as I realised he had a deep cut across his chest. He must have been the driver. I gave him a sympathetic look as I nodded and proceeded to ring an ambulance.


My head shot up as the doctor came with the news. My palms were sweaty and I quickly wiped them on the side of my ripped black skinny jeans. I stoode up abruptly as the doctor approached me with a small smile.

"Are you here for Camilla Lawson?" I nodded lightly.

"Ah well you don't need to worry. She's awake and is doing fine. She has broken her right leg and has a few bruises on her stomach. But other than that, she is lucky to have left with light injuries. You can go see her but I suggest for only a couple of minutes and then leave her to rest, yes?" He asked.

I nodded quickly and smiled, "Thank you." He nodded in appreciation as I practically jogged down the corridor. I reached the door and nervously opened it.

Laying there before me was a middle-aged woman. She looked quite young but could tell she was at least 45 years of age due to light wrinkles on her face. Her hair was a mixture of the shades brown and some grey.

I walked a little further so that I came into her view. " I'm Scar. I er found you at the time of the accident." I smiled sheepishly at her.

Her head turned to me and her kind face let a small smile settle on her lips. "I know. The doctor had informed me. Come here." She held out both her hands for me to place my palms in, which I complied to.

Her hands were shaking a little but she held mine strongly.

"Scar, I am so grateful for what you did. I don't know what situation I would be in right now if you hadn't been there. Thank you so much, honey." She smiled at me gently as she let her wrinkles under her eyes show.

I couldn't help but smile back. She yawned slightly, which made me remember what the doctor said.

"I should go. I'm late for school and the doctor said you need to rest." She nodded slightly but I could tell she was really tired. The medication was obviously taking it's toll on her.

She gave me one last smile before her eyes shut and she fell into a deep slumber. I headed for the door and looked back one last time before turning towards school.


I arrived at school at precisely 10:15. School started at 9am so I pretty much missed homeroom and now I was 15 minutes late to english. Great!

I ran up the first flight of stairs and towards the classroom. I knocked twice before waiting outside. I could hear the clanking of shoes against the hard wooden floor on the other side of the classroom. I took a deep breath in and waited for the door open.

As soon as it opened, I looked down shamefully and felt the need to apologise. "Sorry Mr Davison but-" I stopped immediately as my eyes fixated on a pair of black stilettos. They trailed over a fine pair of toned legs. It continued over a tight black dress which complemented the woman's figure and assets.

My eyes settled on a pair of blue eyes. The lightest blue I had ever seen. I realised I was staring, "You're not Mr Davison..." I trailed on.

The woman let the door shut and had an amused look, "No I don't seem to look like a man." She looked down at herself to emphasise her words and crossed her arms over her chest. I blushed slightly before looking down.

"I'm Miss Brooks. Your english teacher for the next four months of your senior year." I was still looking down.

"Hey you can look at me you know? Jeez am I that bad compared to Mr Davison?" I immediately looked up and my eyes widened.

Holy shit! She was beautiful. All I saw before was her light ocean eyes but now I took in her pale face and features. Her blonde curls cascaded down her shoulders and made her look so sexy and sophisticated.

"N-no you're beautiful." My eyes widened more if that was even possible. My eyeballs were already bulging out and I was scared that they might pop out any minute. " I m-mean you're not h-half bad..."

I'm pretty sure my cheeks were flushed a crimson red. She let out the cutest laugh I've ever heard in my life.

"I'm pretty hurt you know. You went from calling me beautiful to not half bad." She feigned a fake hurt gesture and I squinted my eyes in confusion. Was she flirting with me? My new teacher?

She gave me a smirk but didn't let another word slip so I decided to break the silence. I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm sorry for being late. I er was caught up in some stuff?" I didn't know whether I should let her in on what happened.

"You sound unsure. But hey never mind. It's the first day back so I'll cut you some slack." She gave me a genuine smile this time. Instead of that sexy smirk, she gave a soft smile.

I smiled back at her as she held the door open for me and to enter. I saw my best friend Lola in the back so I headed next to her. "Scarlett?"

I turned around to see Miss Brooks glaring at me with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"You can sit at the front seeing as you were late."

I looked to where she was pointing and groaned. My desk was right next to Scott Dale's.

"I can add on a detention if you wanted?" Miss Brooks raised an eyebrow at me whilst smirking.

What the fuck? I smiled sarcastically at her reluctantly taking my place at my new seat.

"Anyways before I was interrupted," her eyes settled on mine as she gave me yet another devilish smirk. How could she piss someone off with that sexy smirk of hers?

I shook the inappropriate thoughts as Miss Brooks continued and I just stared ahead and zoning out.

Today was most definitely not how it was supposed to be. First I was running late, then I help an old woman from potentially dying and now my teacher was 'flirting' with me?

I put my head down. I needed much appreciated sleep right now.


Hey guys! My second book, what do you think? Another approach on the student/teacher relationship. Enjoy!

Scarlett RoseWhere stories live. Discover now