Chapter 4

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Scarlett pov:

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I could murder a bitch right now! It wasn't even my goddamn alarm going off. My phone was going crazy. I reluctantly rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and reached for my phone at the side.

7 new messages:
- Wake up
- Rise and shine
- Miss Brooks ain't gonna wait all day y'know
- I figured you'd forget to set your alarm
- Did you know there are more cats in the world than dogs?
- Hell nah, dogs are way cuter
- Ok, I figure you're awake now (: so I'll stop wasting my breath on you of a specimen

I rolled my eyes at this girl's internal battles going on with herself. And then I looked at the time. 6:25am.

Fuck! School starts at 9, I could have been asleep for at least another hour. I am definitely going to kill Lola.

I sighed as I pulled the bed sheets back and got out. Might as well have another long shower and take my time seeing as I'm not going to get any sleep soon.


I jumped into my car and set off for school. I decided not to pick up Lola today after the stunts she pulled. To be honest, she'll figure out that I'm not picking her up and make her own way to school anyway.

I parked in a suitable space and hopped out. The time was 8:51am so I was pretty much on time. I headed for the english classroom when the room came into view, along with a certain someone standing besides the door.

Miss Brooks was greeting everyone as they walked in. She looked hot once again. Her white blouse was tucked into a tight grey skirt and her blonde waves cascaded down her shoulder. Her face held minimal makeup not that she needs it. As I approached closer, her eyes fixated on me and she threw me a smile. My cheeks heated up immensely. How could one person have such an effect on me?

Before I could walk any closer to the classroom, I was interrupted.

"Skittle!" I turned my head round and sure enough Lola came into view. Well she practically ran to me whilst panting.

"You...made me...walk..." I smirked in amusement as she tried to catch her breath. "You bitch!" She slapped me on the arm out of surprise. I muttered a few profanities as we fell into a stride and walked towards the classroom.

"That's what you get for waking me up in the dead of the morning. What's wrong with your car anyway?" I asked as I looked at her instead of the goddess that was now a few feet away from me.

"In the garage. Engine needs to be cleaned."

I nodded as I looked up. Miss Brooks gaze was on mine as she stood perfectly straight. "Good morning Lola. Good morning Scarlett." She said in a firm tone. Was it me or was it getting hot in here? Her teacher voice was a major turn on.

Lola shrugged past and said a simple morning and walked into the classroom. I stepped into the classroom just as the bell rang. Suddenly, a firm grasp held onto my hand and pulled me back slightly so I was no longer in the room.

"You're late Miss Rose."

I glared at Miss Brooks in disbelief. I was about to say something back when she spoke once again, "If you hadn't stopped in the middle of the hallway for Miss Stevens, then maybe you would be here on time?" She crossed her arms and tilted her head.

My eyes grazed over where her arms were crossed. Her chest.

"Eyes up here Miss Rose," she snapped. My face turned a million shades of red. The heat was pretty unbearable at this point. But then I remembered, she just considered me late to class.

"That's not fair. I literally entered the classroom as soon as the bell went," I stated. She threw a small smirk before turning with a straight face, "We'll discuss this after class. Can't have you holding my class any longer." And with that she walked into the classroom, leaving me in the hallway to my thoughts.

She is such a bitch. I sighed as I entered. Let's just get this lesson done with.


The lesson went past in a blur and before I knew it, the bell rang. Students rushed out to their second lessons whilst I stayed seated in my desk. Lola passed me with a huge smirk plastered on her face. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and put my head down. I heard the door shut and the clanking of heels against the wooden floor.

"Ahem." The clearing of her throat forced me to sit up.

"You were late so I want you to come back after 4th period please." She stated as she went to sit at her desk. Okay this bitch is really pissing me off. What was her problem?

"Excuse me?" I stood up and walked towards her desk. "I wasn't late. I was in your classroom by the time the bell rang. Plus I have somewhere to be after 4th," I shrugged my shoulders.

Her eyebrows were raised and her face held an amused expression. "Oh really? Well I'm the teacher and what I say goes. If you don't like that, you can take it up with the principal. Now here's a pass for your second lesson."

She stood up and held a note over her desk. I rolled my eyes once again in annoyance and headed for the door, "I don't need one." And with that I walked out.


Another short chapter guys! Bear with me. Let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far (:

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