Lucy/Puke (Luke and Percy)

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I had to laugh at the thought of a ship being called: Puke

Anyways, back to the story.

Luke's Pov

I stare at the boy from across other side of the campus. The boy was always beautiful in my opinion. Blue green eyes, nice tan, and perfect bed head. They all believed I died that day, and I did. Nico di Angelo brought my soul back up the trail the one guy did with his wife. But he was smart enough not to look back till we arrived at the surface. I thanked him and went my own way. It took me awhile to realize how much has happened since I died. The Giant War with Gaea and the prophecy of seven.

I didn't realize I stepped out behind the tree in plain sight till I stopped going down memory lane. A pale faced Percy staring at me with shock began walking over.

"Luke? I thought you were dead..."

"I-I was but I'm back,"

He looked at me with sorrow and looked down. I could tell something was off about him and his... 'spirit'.

"Whats the matter? Percy?"

"She's dead, Luke. Long gone, torn from reality," He cried and slumped into my chest. I gingerly wrapped my arms around him and wrested my chin on his head. I rubbed the small of his back. My body itched with temptation and I knew I was going to regret this. I took his face and placed my lips on his, melting into a warm blackness as I finally got my first kiss, and with my crush, Percy Jackson.

Yeah, hope you enjoyed :)

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