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I woke up to see my mother, father and brother all standing by my bed quietly singing happy birthday with a doughnut in their hand. Brad came over and picked me up like every other birthday. We all walked downstairs to the kitchen so I could eat. Every year for as long as I could remember I was woken up with a doughnut and being carried downstairs by either brad or my father. But somehow I felt like this birthday would be different, turns out I was right. They all sit down and watch me, I finished and brad looked like he had something to say.
"Little one, I have to tell you something and you aren't going to like it" I looked at him and nodded my head as a continue. "I'm leaving today, I won't be back for a very long time and I won't be able to see or talk to you. I want you to promise me that you will be good for mom and dad" he looked so serious and sad. I looked and him and nodded because I was afraid that if I said something that I would cry. The day went on as if it was normal. But 5 o'clock rolled around and my Brock bid us goodbye. I hugged him harder than I have before and I told him I loved him.
That was 6 years ago, today. Today I'm 16 that was the day I lost my brother. I miss him but I bet he's having fun wherever he is and getting into trouble. I did keep my promise to him though, I've been pretty good for them. Notice I said pretty good. Once I hit 14 I started getting in trouble at school, I got caught doing drugs and was sent to get clean. I hated that. Friends said that they'd be here for me but they aren't. They lied, my boyfriend Timmy broke up with me because I became one of the "stoner" kids.
Today there's a party at school and I'm skipping family night to go out. I told my parents I was going no matter what, they were so done with fighting with me so they let me go. It's been a couple of hours and I had wayyyy to much to drink so I called my parents to come get me and they did. But on their way here they got into this really bad accident. I couldn't save them and all I was thinking about was if I never went to that party then they would still be alive.
Since I'm still technically a minor I have to go live with my uncle Zach and his nephews in mystic falls and I honestly don't care where I go as long as it isn't the place I once called home. I can't go back, I refuse to. So here I am having people pack my things for me cause if I go in that house I'll break down and cry, I hate crying in front of people. They always look at you with judgy eyes. Once my things were packed they had me drive all the way to mystic falls. I'm in a town 3 hours away from there so I'll be good. God I'm going to miss this house, I hope it burns.

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