Ch4: Niall, Louis & L.A
It was late at night. It had been a few weeks since my foray into the land of tumblr and twitter and I was cosy in my bed with a cuppa green tea. I got a text from a weird number with an area code I did not recognize.
“Turtle turtle here.” It read.
I scrunched up my face and glared at the number as if it were personally offending me by existing.
“hula?” I texted back the offending number.
“It’s me Lexiiiii.”
“OH TURTLE!” I realized, glancing over at the pile of plush turtles on top of Harry’s dresser.
“yayyy! Wanted to be random since you don’t have this number haha!” he sent.
“My number leaked somehow, had to get a new one.” Came after.
Oops. That may have been me. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned right? Still, at the end of the day, he was my gummi bear and he was adorable.
“Did you know it’s 11pm though dear?” I asked him.
“Ooooops its 4 here! I’m in L.A still. So excited, all the boys just got here too!”
So, all of 1D is reunited in California. What, was London not good enough for them anymore?
“What are you all doing out there so far from home?”
“Recording at Studio City Sound”
He talks about these things like I actually know if this is relevant or not. What a time to decide to include me in things!
“Ever coming back home?” I sent.
I waited so long for him to text back, that I fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke to find he had only sent back a smiley face sometime after I had fallen asleep. That was it. I did what any sane person with a 1D Updates twitter account would do-I tweeted out that 5/5 were in L.A recording at Studio City Sound.
Then, I got on the phone with Angie and decided to do something even more spontaneous. I was going to go surprise Harry.
“This is so exciting! I have never left the UK before!” Angie squeaked as we got off the plane in Los Angeles. She was so excited; she barely found the time to show any disapproval of popping in on Harry unannounced.
“What are you thinking?!” She had initially protested when I called her up to come with me.
“I am thinking that he is my boyfriend and normal people can surprise their boyfriends, right?” I said innocently.
“Well, yes, but Harry isn’t normal! I mean, he’s normal, ish, except for that awful green coat that one time, but I am getting off topic, the point is maybe you will see something that you don’t want to see!”
“Like what!? Harry straddling Louis Tomlinson on a pull out couch in the middle of a recording studio?” I laughed, only half joking. That would be incredible to see.
“Well that’s an extreme example. BUT YES BASICALLY. Doesn’t Kendall live out in L.A?” Angie asked.
“Yes, but the thing with him and Kendall is just a cover up.”
“Right. A cover up for his gay love for Louis?” Angie joked.
“You know, I honestly would be less insulted by a gay cover up than anything else.” I shrugged.
Fanfiction"No, my life hasn’t really changed. I just get up every day like normal. I try not to watch too much TV, try to avoid magazine stands. I try to visit Anne as much as possible; she’s been feeling weird lately with her empty nest. But, no, other than...