How About?

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Charlotte's POV:

"Hit me with it," I said.

James took a deep breath.

"My idea to start off with is a speeding ship. A female captain is shouting an order for theanchor to be dropped but its no use the ship is in too much shit," James said.

"Shouldn't that be water?" Andy asked.

James laughed.

"Yeah okay too much water," James said.

"Carry on James," I said.

"The captain takes a seat in her cabin and waits as the ship goes down as the water starts to fill the room and everyone else goes crazy she is the only one who is laid back.and calm want to know why?" James asked.

I like this idea.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she is thinking of her Ma, of her Pa, of her friends and family. All the people that keep her sane. The people that keep her anchored," James said.

A tear trickled out.

"Ye know the song too well," I said.

"I guess so," James said.

"How does it end?" Andy asked.

James looked at me.

"I want the captain to take a deep breath with the water just below her lips open her eyes. Smile one last time before going under with her ship and her anchor," He said.

I smiled.

"Its a brilliant idea I love the whole theme behind it," I said.

"Now the question is ... How are your acting skills Charlie?" James inquired.

"Hmm. Not too bad," I said.

"How would ye like to play the captain. A bit like what The Script did with their first album single videos. Danny acted," James said.

"Yeah.. Aww i'd love to have a go on thise wires," I said wishfully.

"Maybe with the next single," James said.

"Ohh yeah what single are ye planning on bringing out next?" Andy asked.

"Get rid of the devil," I answered.

"I love that one!" James said.

"Thanks!" I said.

"I'm already tryna think of a choreography we can do," James said.

"My family are nothing but tired

with all of my fire

they don't know how i can stoop any lower

constantly tell me to do better

i need to get rid of the devil in me

if only you could see

all the troubke i make

all the things i take

you would know

i gotta get rid of the me ohh

so wish me luch

wish me luck

i'm gonna get rid of the devil in me

I never used to care at all

so used to throwing hard balls

ball after ball.

Im gonna get rid of the devil in me

if only you could see

all the trouble i make

all the things i take

you woukd know

ive gotta get rid of the devil in me ohh

so wish me luck

wish me luck

i'm gonna get rid of the devil in me.

They tell me i shoukd get better

contantly telling everyone to check her

to make sure i dont do anything wrong

i kick down family walls that are so strong

it tears us apart

its breaks their hearts

which is why

im.gonna get rid of the devil in me

if only you could see

all the trouble i make

all the things i take.

You would.know

so wish me luck

wish me luck

i'm gonna get rid of the me.

I'M GONNA GET RID OF THE DEVIL IN ME!!!!!!" I sang to remind them of the song.

"I shall have to work on it," James said.

"You've already got Do Your Best out as a single now You Keep Me Anchored and soon Get Rid Of The Devil," James listed.

"Yeap!" I said.

James made another cup of coffee for himself and me. Andy didn't want one.

"I've got a proposistion for ye Charlie," James said.

"Carry on?" I said intriguied.

"Well. Ye've shown me how hard working ye are. How ye respond to banter and how ye persevere through problems... I was wondering if ...." James said.

"If ye wouldn't mind going on The Voice UK again ... As a COACH!" Jeames asked.





"I thought they still had four coaches!" I exclaimed.

"no Jessie left," James said.

"I'll think about it," I said honestly.

Going back.on The Voice would mean having to see Danny practically everyday ... Erghh.

What do i do?

A/N: Hello there lovliees.

Thanks for reading

tell me what ye think






The Coach (A The Voice/ The Script Fan Fic) Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now