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Emmanuel's POV

Now don't get me wrong she was pretty. No more than pretty she was beautiful, she had these green eyes that matched the color of spring grass and her dark brown hair was pulled back a bit but I could tell it probably hit her mid back. Her smile was wide and warm, but it slowly dipped into a scowl when TweedleFat, Tweedlefatter, and Kyle refused to A. Let me up, and B. Stop crushing my sisters arms.

"Owww! Let me go! your hurting me, Manny!" I snapped back to the situation at hand i'm being detained on the ground in cuffs, my brother is unconscious because of the same mother fucker who's making my sisters cry. I instantly fought back, hard, the cops not reacting till I was on my feet the girl was trying to hold me back and get me to settle down, but that wasn't happening today. I was going to kill him or give him something to remember me by when he kills me. I'd gotten into it with the police before and found out that if I jump high enough and swing my arms far enough (Given I have long arms and legs) or go slowly I can get my hands to my front of me with out dislocating anything major or something that could cause permanent damage. I managed to do it this time without falling over and I ran at Kyle with everything I have in me. I give out a makeshift war cry and bum rush him shoulder first into his gut. I managed to knock him back a foot or 2 before he all but tossed my siblings to the ground and cracked his knuckles.

"The kid wants to fight? Then I give him the best damn fight he's ever had. You wanna fight me so bad boy? Huh? Would that benefit anyone here? Would it bring back your stupid herd? Or would it make your mom come back from the dead?" he asks smirking and rolling his shoulders. I could feel every blood cell in my body boiling over with rage at not only the insult to my herd, but the fact that he dared mention my mother made what I was going to do next so much more satisfying.

"Kyle!" Stacy barks sharply,"Enough."

"No Stacy, i'm giving the boy what he wants. He wants to die fighting and go see his mommy and leave his brother and sister here with us that's on him." He had his face towards her, but his legs were moving back to where I was standing. 

"Yea Stacy, plus if I die not only will I see my mother but I will personally ask the goddess to help me send Kyle to the deepest darkest part of hell for mentioning my mother." My teeth were still grinding as he reached me. He stood there and looked me in the eyes silently offering me another chance to back down, then his fist shot out and made contact with my face. He showed no mercy adding a swift kick to my gut sending me skidding across the grass and landing on my side.

"Kyle stop! He's down. I order you to stop!" He paused for a moment the walked to were I was laying, trying to get air into my lungs, he kicks me in the chest, bends down and grabs my head.

"You see what happens when you don't know how to pick your fights, maybe i'll teach you some ti-" He didn't get to finish when my hands still in cuffs go around his neck. He made the mistake of going down on the ground and letting me go allowing me to get behind him and pull back effectively holding him in a choke hold. I couldn't help but notice that more officers were arriving but none of them did anything. They just sat there waiting.

"What was that again?" I get a few gasps for breath for an answer,"That's what I thought. Now don't you EVER talk about my mother AGAIN! Do I make myself clear now?" He have a semblance of a nod and I let him go, smirking at my latest victory I stood up and made it 5 steps. 5 steps and was again tackled to the ground by the 2 cops who this time haul me to my feet and keep a death grip on my arms while Kyle gets up with a look of utter murder in his face It only made me smile wider, Stacy looked as not happy as a girl can be without slapping someone, but her angry look wasn't aimed at me. Luckily.

"All of you lets go, Trevor cuff Kyle and put him in a squad car. You 2 can ride with Emmanuel in yours i'll keep Tyson and Lily with me. We are going home. Now!"  

"If I could bring a fact to the juries attention ummmmmm how do I put this............. This is my home!" I should have cut my loses there, shut up and gone along with it but I had to say it. Her eyes flashed to mine going black and I could tell she had lost her temper by the way she stomped over to me and got a death grip my chin.

"Look this is a shit of a day and i'd rather not slap the everything out of you at the moment. This was your home, but it's gone now. Your father and the rest of your heard are heading farther away from you as we speak. The chance of you finding them, or your father is minimal seeing as they couldn't have all made it out completely intact, mentally, Physical, or emotionally. Now suck it up, shut up and get in the damn squad car or so help me Lupus I will drag you back to Oklahoma by your ears. Am I clear?"she hissed and I just stood there hardening my face,"Good now lets go."

"Manny! I wanna go with you," Lily's little voice broke a little as she made her way between my legs, and it made my heart break that she was upset and I couldn't do much to help her at the moment,"Can me and Tyson go with you?" she looked up at me with pleading eyes but I saw a subtle head shake from Stacy and sighed.

"I'm sorry Lily baby but not right now you need to go with Stacy right now." She looked like she was going to say something but thought otherwise,"I promise when we get to wherever we're going i'll let you get unlimited piggy-back rides and a free 'Ice cream for dinner card' how does that sound?" Her lip quivered slightly, but she nodded and squeezed my leg. 

"Lily if you're tired I can carry you." Stacy stooped down and opened her arms, and Lily slowly trudged into her arms and wrapped her arms around Stacys neck visibly shaking and burrowing her head into Stacys neck as she stood and walked towards the various police cars, and Stacys truck while the rest of them went back to there own business getting Kyle cuffed and loaded into a car while they loaded me into another one, Tyson was loaded into the back of Stacys truck and we started to ship out.

I looked out on the quickly receding valley missing my home even more as we made one of the longest rides of my life.

Maria's P.O.V

"Please Goddess for the love of- well you let me go back and at least kick him." I passed back wishing I could kill the fucking idiot who A. knocked out my Tyson, B. He almost crushed my baby girl, and to top of the cake..... He hurt my baby boy. He... hurt... my....baby... boy! 

"Maria," The Great Goddess said in the voice a mother uses when her child curses in front of her for the first time,"1. You know I can't let you do that and 2. Emmanuel has already effectively dealt with the problem, quit effectively to, so why do you need to cause him harm?"

"Because, he HURT my baby boy! I want to rip his head off to be completely honest. I'm proud he kicked his ass like we trained but I want a piece of him now." The Goddess chuckled softly and shooed me away from the portal the acted like a mirror from our world to the physical world, and she went to close it before I stopped her quickly," Wait I would like to see if my husband and the rest of the herd are ok. Please?" Her next look was sympathetic as she showed me what was left of the heard. It looked like they were in a small cave and Bryson was going ballistic on 3 of our scouts and Sara. Bellowing that this was all there fault and if they had been more careful and alert the valley would still be safe, I would be with him still and his kids wouldn't be missing. It broke my heart that he was that far gone,"Goddess I beg you to give my Bryson some relief. Show him I'm happy and safe, and that the kids are alive. Show him we love him, give him peace when he dreams." She nodded and began moving me from the portal again dismissing me. I told that damn man to just move to Colorado before something bad eventually happened. I'd miss my family but if i'm here for eternity I might as well have fun while i'm here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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