Chapter 3

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    Sara whipped her car around corner after corner, speed increasing each time. The engine was almost overheating, but as long as it didn't get to that point, she didn't care. She'd rather spend $18,000 in repairs or on a new car than lose Greg to these bastards. She shook her head. She's rather almost anything to keep this from happening. But she put those thoughts on the backburner as she stepped on the brake.

    The car couldn't stop fast enough. As soon as the car was at a dead stop, Sara yanked out the keys and ran through the halls and up two flights of stairs, the elevator taking too long.

    "Sara," Russell said from the doorway of Greg's room, which was taped off. Sara stopped when he held out his hand. She barely noticed her heavy breathing as she looked to Russell.

    "Are you sure you want to see it?" He asked.

    Sara blinked. She looked past his hand, glancing at all the evidence people were gathering.

    "Positive," without looking back, she ducked under the tape and walked in. Numbers on yellow cards were practically everywhere. There was barely any way to make it through the living room without stepping on something. Fortunately, there was a path leading them right to the hallway that held Greg's bedroom.

    Sara had to stop and breathe before she walked in. This felt wrong on so many levels.

    Nick walked in, right behind Sara, blinking back tears. He wasn't ready. Greg's bookshelf had been flipped over, his books and pictures scattered across the floor. His bedsheets were chucked to one side, and the window beside it was smashed open. It had blood drops all over it, and Nick hoped it wasn't all from Greg.

    There was a small trail of blood across the floor from the bathroom to the window. Nick's tears dried up and were replaced with sharp eyes that burned with anger. He walked to the bathroom, glancing in.

    A blood-soaked shower curtain was laying in the bathtub, and Greg's phone was on the counter by the sink. More bloody drag marks were on the floor of the bathroom, and Nick macked out of the entire apartment. He stood right outside the lobby of the apartment building, watching Russell and Morgan tearily going through Greg's car. He suddenly got a strong urge to throw up. Nick subtly walked over to the trashcan by the door, just in case.

    "Hey, Nick."

    He jumped as Sara put a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see her eyes brimming with tears, and that brought tears to his. Sara quickly threw herself into his chest and sobbed. Nick wrapped his arms around her shoulders and did the same. For the first time in a long while, they cried with each other, sharing their agony. They were too busy to notice anyone looking or talking about them, their soft sobs filling each others' ears.

    Nick jumped when his cell began to ring. He shakily raised it to his ear as Sara took a small step back. "Yeah?"

    "Hey," Julie said through the speaker. "I found something you really need to see."

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