Chapter 10

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"Archie wants us to see him at his lab," Nick said, pulling out his phone. "He says it's urgent."

Sara reluctantly pulled herself away from her standing position that she had been in for the past thirty minutes now, and looked at Nick. Julie had gone to grab some more coffee, and since she hadn't gotten back yet, they figured they'd just fill her in when they passed her in the hallway.

"Okay," was all Sara could muster. She silently followed Nick down the hallway until they reached the break room. Julie was just stepping out, carrying three cups of steaming hot coffee. Nick smiled at her, taking two from her and passing one to Sara.

"Thanks, Jules."

Nick explained Archie's brief text on their way to his lab to Julie, and the walk to the lab seemed to take forever. Once they arrived, though, they all wished it would've taken longer.

Upon the screen on the wall was a picture of Morgan, her shirt split open, a circular burn mark on her chest. Their throats seemed to close, and it was suddenly hard to breathe. Thankfully, Archie turned off the computer, and the other three CSIs let out a breath they didn't realize they were holding.

"I've only managed to play half the video, but I was wondering if you all would like to watch it with me. Russell told me he didn't want to see it, and you three...well, you're all that's left. I figured at least one real CSI should see it to at least know what-"

"I'll watch," Sara interrupted, earning a slight nod from the other two.

"Same here," Nick said.

"And here." Julie added.

Archie nodded, a couple clicks on his mouse and the video rewinded to the beginning. He looked over to them.

"This thing is…" he glanced back to the screen briefly. "Fourteen minutes long. If you want to go grab some break room chairs, you can."

Sara just took a seat straight on the floor, while Nick shuffled aside a place on one of the counters for him to sit. Julie just remained standing in place.

"We're good." Sara said, receiving an understanding nod from Archie.

He pressed play, and everyone's eyes widened. They were all close to crying after the first couple minutes, and were silently thankful when Russell burst into the room.

"We might've found Greg and Morgan," was all he said, rushing out of the room, the rest of the team on their feet and following within seconds.

Greg sat up on the bed, his wrist being an uncomfortable position while he was still handcuffed to the headboard. He had heard someone running through the hallway on the other side of the door, and he could hear Sam's booming voice echo down the hallway. His heart leaped with joy as he heard the front door slam. Maybe Morgan had made it out? Greg hoped so. At least then she would be safe, he thought.

Suddenly, the door to his room slammed open, and Adam ran inside with a duffle bag. Greg watched as Adam stuffed the camera that was still on the tripod in the corner of the room into it, and began to wonder about Morgan.

"What's going on, Adam?" Greg asked, pulling on the handcuff. "Where's Morgan?"

Adam looked at Greg for the first time since he walked in the door. "I-I…" he stammered. "I can't talk to you," he stared at the ground, but still walked over to Greg. Grabbing a keychain from his pocket, he reached over to unlock Greg. "Please don't hurt me, Greg." Adam pleaded as he stretched his entire body over Greg's. Greg had thought about sending a punch to Adam's gut once he was free and try to run, but his eyes were more attracted to the figures in the doorway.

"This, and worse, will happen to you when you run, Gregory."

Sam stood in the doorway, holding Morgan bridal style, her head hanging back over Sam's arms. Greg gasped as he felt his hand drop. He felt Adam push him into a standing position, but he was too shocked to care. He was taking in Morgan's beaten body, which had bruises everywhere. Her hair was ruffled, sticking out at awkward angles, partially covering the black and blue splotches that covered her face. Her right eye was starting to swell, and she had a busted lip, drying blood covering her entire chin. Her nose looked broken, but Greg didn't care about that. He was more worried because it almost looked like she wasn't breathing.

"What did you do?!" Greg screamed, running up to Sam and raising his hand back to punch him. "What did you do to her?!" Greg screamed again when he felt Adam grab both of his arms and push his chest against the wall. He felt his hands being handcuffed behind his back, but he had his eyes trained on Morgan the whole time.

"She's probably concussed, honestly." Sam said, a wicked smirk playing at his lips. It was almost like he enjoyed seeing Greg so worried and angry.

"You son of a bitch!" Greg screamed as Adam led him down the hallway, away from Morgan. "You're killing her!" He felt tears prick his eyes as he struggled against the restraints. "If she has a concussion she'll die if she sleeps!" Greg was finally pushed through a door, and he couldn't see either of the other two anymore.

Panting and in pain, Greg looked around. A familiar cool breeze hit his cheek like a brick. He was being hauled into a backyard, and was led to the side of the house. There were sirens, and they sounded close. If he could stall Adam, and if they were coming for him, maybe he and Morgan could finally be saved.

But Adam and Sam obviously had other plans, as Greg felt a rag being shoved practically all the way inside his mouth. He thanked God that Adam wasn't good at this, because he didn't cover his nose. Greg slowed his movements, coming up with a plan. He pretended to fall limp, and the rag was removed from his mouth.

Adam sighed, and his grip on Greg's arms relaxed. Suddenly, Greg opened his eyes, and pulled himself out of Adam's hands. He didn't look back at Adam; he knew he was on his tail as Greg ran towards the front of the house. He could see the sirens now, and managed to take one step into the light at the front before he was tackled from the back.

"Help!" Greg screamed, seeing some people standing outside their houses. The police cars were turning onto the street now, and Adam was beginning to freak out. "The kidnapper's name is Sam!" Greg yelled, hoping someone would remember to tell the police. "We're CSIs!"

This caught some people's attention, but Greg couldn't see that as he was dragged back to an already running car. Greg yelped as he was chucked into the backseat, the door slamming behind him. He watched Adam run around to the other side of the car just as a cop car pulled over on the opposite side of the street. Thinking fast, Greg maneuvered himself to be able to roll down his window. Thankfully, Sam in the driver's seat was thinking something else.

Adam opened the door to find a gun pointed at his stomach. He barely had time to move before Sam pulled the trigger, sending Adam to the ground. Sam leaned over to shut the door after Adam was pushed out of the way, and he hit the gas. Greg's breath almost caught as he saw Nick jump out of the cop car across the street. He knew this was his chance.

Sam floored the gas pedal, and they were sent flying forwards. Sam abruptly took his foot off the pedal, stopping them right beside Nick, Sara and a cop he didn't recognize.

"Guys!" Greg screamed, immediately catching their attention. The three seemed to almost smile in joy, but it quickly faded. "Help! His name is Sam--"

Sam brought the gun around the back of his seat, and pulled the trigger quickly. Greg screamed and fell against the door, his head hanging partially outside. He looked down to his stomach, which was now bleeding profusely. He managed to bring his eyes to look out the window. Sam pressed on the pedal again, and Greg watched Nick and Sara running after him as Sam rolled up the window. He could hear gunshots in the background, but all he could do was pray that Morgan wasn't dead, and wasn't in the trunk of the car.

"Stupid kid," Sam cursed from the front seat, but Greg had already passed out.

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