1 - Y/n The Killer

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My eyes fluttered open to see a plain white ceiling above me. There was no blood, like there was earlier.
Confused, I sat up and looked around the plain white room.
"Jeff?" I called out worriedly.
There was no way that he could come visit me, then clean up all that blood and all the bodies so quickly. Was I hallucinating? Did I just imagine seeing him?
While I was questioning my sanity, a nurse stepped into the room.
"Miss Y/n! You're awake!" She said, sounding very surprised.
I looked over at her, confused.
"Where am I?" I asked her.
"You're in a neurological healthcare facility." She told me, but I knew that she really meant I was in a mental hospital. "You were in a small coma for a week, but it looks like you're awake now." She smiled. "I'll go get the doctor."
"No!" I tried, but it was too late. I needed to find Jeff. He was probably at the police station, right? Oh no... They would kill him, wouldn't they?
I shuddered at the thought, then stood and walked over to the window. Since I had been laying down for a week, my legs felt weak. I wobbled as I walked, and almost fell over a few times. I gripped the iron bars over my window, then looked outside to see a large concrete plaza, with a chained fence around it.
Oh god...
I turned and leaned against the wall, then slid down until I was sitting on the floor.
I must have dreamed about seeing Jeff. There's no way that anyone could break into this place.
I started crying into my hands, and a nurse came in and tried to comfort me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"J-Jeff is going to die. It's all my fault." I cried.
He pat my shoulder in a comforting manner. "I'm sure that your friend Jeff will be fine. Nobody's going to die, okay?" He said with a smile.
I glare up at him. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. I wanted to choke the life out of him, or stab him, but I had to pretend to be sane if I wanted to get out of this place.
I had to get to Jeff and save him from being killed by the stupid police.
"You're right." I laughed lightly, but the smile I wore was fake. "I don't even know why I was crying."
He seemed satisfied, so he left the room.
The doctor came in after a while and talked to me, and I made myself appear as sane as possible. He seemed surprised to see that I wasn't crazy.
"Well, I'd like to keep you here for a few more weeks. If you don't act out, then I suppose there's no reason to keep you here." He told me.
No! In a few weeks, Jeff will be dead! I need to break out now and I need to find him and save him!
My hands balled into fists as he left the room.
I eyed the window, then the door, then the vents on the wall and the ceiling.
It might take a while, but I'll find a way out. I'll find a way to break Jeff out of jail, and I'll kill anyone who gets in my way.

Don't Sleep 2 (Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now