4 - Break In

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(You get to kill in this chapter~)

My eyes were still shut, and I slowly drifted in and out of consciousness. Something was poking me in the side. Something sharp.
Wait, now it was stabbing me.
Well, not stabbing. Still just poking, but it hurt.
I opened my eyes and looked down to my abdomen, where the pain was. Someone was poking it with a metal instrument, while Toby stood by and watched like everything was fine.
"What the-?" I mumbled, looking up at the person who was poking me.
He wore a dark blue mask, and it almost looked like he had no eyes behind the eye-holes.
Curious and a little crazy, I raised my finger and poked at where his left eye was supposed to be.
He jumped back, leaving my finger with some black goo on it.
"W-What the hell?! T-Toby! You didn't tell me she was so..."
I cocked an eyebrow, wondering what he was trying to say.
He seemed flustered at first, but then he calmed down and sat forward, examining your face closely.
"Wow... your eyes." He muttered.
"What about them?" I asked with slight suspicion.
"I'd love to eat them~"
He said it almost like he was flirting.
"Jeff's gonna kill you." Toby mumbled.
"Back off. I've got a boyfriend." I said, placing a hand against the guy's chest and pushing him backwards. He crossed his arms, almost like he was pouting.
"You made the first move." He grumbled in complaint, then cheered up again. "The name's Jack." He introduced, then raised my hand to where his mouth would be, behind the mask.
"Cute." I said sarcastically.
His black eyes seemed to light up with excitement. "You mean it?" He asked hopefully.
"No." I replied immediately. I turned my attention to Toby. "This is who your boss sent to help me?"
He nodded. "He's annoying, but he's good at breaking and entering." He explained.
"Yeah, but I'm gonna need something in return, once this is all over." Jack informed me.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Either a kidney, or a kiss~" He leaned towards me slightly, waiting for my response.
"I'd rather give both kidneys than kiss you." I scoffed.
"That can be arranged~" He cooed, lifting the metal instrument he had been poking me with earlier. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a scalpel.
"Whatever. Are we going to do this or not?" I asked, standing. I lifted my mattress and pulled out the knife that I kept underneath.
"Yeah, we were just waiting for you to wake up." Toby answered.
I nodded firmly. "We'll leave at midnight. There should be less security at night time, right?"
They both shrugged. "We don't often have to break people out of maximum-security prisons." Jack said.
I sighed deeply. "So, we're going into this blindly?"
"Not necessarily. I scouted out the place earlier." Jack told me.
"How does that help us?" I asked, gesturing to myself and Toby.
He reached into his pocket and tugged out a folded up piece of paper. "You didn't think I'd leave there without drawing a map, did you?" He asked proudly.
I snatched the map from him excitedly. "Okay, maybe you'll get that kiss." I laughed, then started looking over the map.
"Time and a place, sweetheart~" I ignored him, and he leaned over my shoulder with Toby, so they could see too.
"So we come in through the back." I started, placing a single finger on a part of the map.
Toby reached over, too. He dragged his finger along a route that led from the back entrance to a square marked 'security office'.
"If there are any vents around here, we can use those to get to the security office." He said.
"Why there?" I asked.
"They should have keys for the cells there, right?" He asked.
Jack shook his head. "The cells are all electric." He explained, then tapped a square titled 'generatrs'.
"You spelled generators wrong." I informed him.
"It's 'cause I was too distracted by the thought of you~" He flirted, then suddenly became serious again. "Anyways, if we can shut off the generators, all the cells will open."
"What about back-up generators?" I asked, after elbowing him for his flirty comment. Since Jack was whining about his bruised ribcage, Toby spoke up.
"While you and Jack shut off the main power, I'll go after the back-up system." He suggested.
"Why do I have to be paired with him?" I complained.
"Because he's the break-in expert. You'll need him to get Jeff out." He reminded me.
"Ugh." I rolled up the map and handed it back to Jack. (Ha, that rhymed)
"Don't worry, princess. I'll protect you~"
I swatted Jack's hand away from me, then sat on my bed. "Get comfortable, guys. This is gonna be a long day."


At night time, we snuck over to the police station and snuck in, just like we had planned. Jack and I snuck into the main generator supply room, killing everyone that saw us, or thought they saw us.
I snuck up behind the guard in charge of the generators, then quickly slammed a hand over his mouth. I took my time in slitting his throat, letting the blood pour over my hand. I sighed in satisfaction as his body fell limp. Yep. I'm insane.
I saw Jeff crouching near the body, examining it, but that was impossible, right?
"Damn. You did pretty good." He complimented.
"Um... thanks?" I said awkwardly, wondering if I was hallucinating again.
"Who're you talking to?" I recognized Jack's voice, and turned to face him.
"I was talking to..." When I looked back to where Jeff had been, there was nobody there except for the dead guy. "...Myself." I finished, trying to hide my hallucinations from him.
"Well I'm here if you want to talk to me, you know. Or we could do something else with our mouths~" He wrapped an arm around me, but I quickly shoved him away.
"Gross." I cringed. "Let's just get those generators shut off."
With a flick of his scalpel, he sliced the main cord that connected the generators to the power supply box.
"Done. Now how about my payment?" He asked, tapping the cheek of his mask.
Well... I was supposed to pay him for helping me, and I really didn't want to lose a kidney...
I quickly pecked the side of his mask, then wiped my lips on my sleeve.
He seemed to be in shock as he gently touched the place I'd kissed. I waved a hand in front of his face.
"Come on, loser! Time for us to go!" I reminded him as the side generators turned on.
He grabbed my waving hand and got down on one knee before me.
"Y/n, I'll give you all the organs you could ever eat, and I'll never eat yours! You're the least annoying person I know! I-"
"I'll give you another kiss if you stop."
He scrambled back onto his feet, and I bkew him a kiss, since he never specified what kind of kiss it had to be.
He pouted during the walk to Jeff's cell, leaving me to do all the killing. I had to fight off a couple of prisoners who had escaped after realizing their cells were unlocked, and veey few guards since none of them seemed to realize what was wrong.
We met up with Toby in front of a small cell, which I immediately kicked open after arriving in front of it.

But the cell was empty.

(Ha ha ha, cliffhanger!)

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