2 - Breaking Out

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The first thing I did was try to wiggle the bars on the window. They didn't seem to loosen, so there was no way I could get out that way.
Next, I tried the door. Of course it was locked. They couldn't have psychopaths wandering the halls.
A nurse came to check up on me. That might be a problem in the future. If they often patrol, they'll notice me trying to bust out.
I walked over to a small vent that was near the floor, then kicked at the metal grate that covered it. The screws seemed to loosen after I kicked it, so I tried it again. Finally, the grate popped off, and I bent down to look in the small hole. I could fit, but it would be a toght squeeze. I had no idea where I'd end up if I went through it. I could land in the middle of the lobby, where everyone would see me in my hospital gown.
I put the grate back into place, then looked up at the vent on the ceiling. I could get up there, but I'd need to move the bed.
I glanced over to it. I could easily move it, but if a nurse walked in and saw what I was doing, I would be screwed. I decided to stick with the vent I had already opened.
I sat on the bed, trying to think of a way to get myself out without anyone noticing I was a patient.
A nurse walked in with a tray for me. She looked overly-happy. It was a little creepy.
"Hello, Miss Y/n! Who's ready for lunch?" She sang, as if I was a small child.
I glared at her. "Not me." I said.
"Oh, don't be like that." She pursed her lips and set down the food tray on a small table next to my bed.
I spotted an ID badge on her waistband, and I quickly realized how I would get out.
I lifted the tray to find a spork. It wasn't as good as a fork or knife, but it would do.
"Ma'am?" I stood, holding the spork behind my back.
"Yes?" She asked, turning away from the door for a moment. As soon as it closed I tackled her and covered her mouth. I used the handle of the spork to stab into her eyes.
I could feel her muffled screams vibrating against my hand. Eventually they died down, and she went into shock from the pain in her eyes.
Her body went limp, so I knew that she passed out.
I shook her blood, tears, spit and eye-goo off of my hand. "Gross." I mumbled. I had no idea how Jeff managed to lick blood and stuff. It was still really gross to me. Maybe I would get used to it?
I undressed her and myself, then got dressed in her nurse outfit. I took her badge, too.
Then, I put her in the patient gown and laid her on the bed, turning her bloodied face away from the door. Next, I cleaned up the blood.
There! Now, when another nurse came to check up on this room, they'd see a 'sleeping' woman, and they'd assume it was just another patient.
Walking around the hallways would be too risky, so I decided to just take the vent. Besides, I couldn't tell which of her keys would open my door, and someone would get suspicious if I kept using the wrong key.
I laid down on the ground, then took off the vent's metal cover. I slid my body into the tight space, then used my feet to replace the vent cover.
I squirmed through the tunnels, making a few turns every now and then. I found myself in front of a small grate, so I pushed it out and climbed out of the vent and into the dark room. It looked like a storage closet.
I brushed the dust off my uniform with my hands, then found the door and slid out, into the empty and quiet hallways.
I looked around until I found an exit sign. I followed them to the exit, then saw the front door. Finally, I'm out!
I scanned her ID at the door and waited patiently.
"Uh, I think you have the wrong ID." Someone told me.
I jumped at the sudden voice. It seemed to come from a small speaker, sitting right beneath a camera.
I squinted at it.
"Uh, maybe." I shrugged casually. Maybe if I kept calm, they'd think it was an honest mistake.
"Yeah, it says you have Sarah Wheatley's ID, but you don't look like the picture that I have on file." The voice told me.
I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. "Right. Well, I need to leave. Right now. Could you just let me through? I'm sure it's just a system error." I tried to convince him.
I heard him humming as he thought. "I'll need to call Sarah and see if her ID is missing." He said, almost awkwardly. "It's just protocol. I'm sure that you understand."
I did. But I didn't care.
I punched the camera, then ripped the control panel off the wall. The door slid open after that.
Of course my fingertips were bleeding, and an alarm started to go off, but at least I was out.
I ran outside and pulled out Sarah's car keys, then pressed the car alarm. I spotted her red Toyota Camry in the back of the lot, and I started sprinting towards it.
I noticed security rushing out the doors and chasing after me. Would I make it?
I started to run out of breath, and I soon dived into the Camry. I started up the old car, switched into drive, and then stomped on the gas.
The car lurched forwards, and I soon crashed through the weak plastic barrier that blocked off the entrance to the facility.
The car alarm was still blaring as I tore down the street. I hurried to shut it off, then I managed to lose the slow security team that followed me onto the road.
I ditched the car behind a gas station, then hot-wired a new one. I took that car to a clothing store, where I shoplifted a nice outfit for myself. I also found a nice wad of cash in both of the cars I stole, so I used that money to buy a pocket knife from a shady thrift store.
There. Now I just had to find Jeff and find a way to bust him out.
I chewed on my lip worriedly. Where would we go after we got free?
I decided that it didn't matter. I'm sure he had a place to hide out.
I set the knife aside and started the long drive back to where everything started. Back to where I first saw Jeff, and where I watched my roommate, Trevor, die.
I head back to my old apartment.

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