3 - Hot Chocolate

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I had to pick the lock in order to get inside the old place. Luckily, none of my stuff had been moved out yet. I eyed the blood stain and crime scene tape, letting me know that I was in the right place.
I cringed at the thought of how disrespectful it was to fall in love with the guy that killed my roommate. Trevor and I were never that close, but it still was wrong.
Whatever... I can't let some hurt feelings distract me. I need to find my laptop and change out of these stolen clothes.
I put on one of my favorite pairs of jeans, then a dark shirt to match it. I dug around in Trevor's old room, something else that was probably really disrespectful, and I found one of his old guns, a few knives and some ammo for the gun. I managed to hide them all in my bag, which I had grabbed from my room.
I sat down at my old desk and pulled out my laptop. Time to find Jeff. Again. Except this time, I wasn't trying to get him in trouble, I was trying to get him out of it.
I had no idea what his real name was, so I just typed in 'Jeff the killer' and my state to see what came up. It wasn't too hard to find where he was being held.
I put my hands over my face after O shut off the laptop. What was I going to do? I had no plan, and no one to help me.
I could walk in, guns blazing. I'd probably just get killed though. If Jeff was here, he'd probably know what to do.
I heard the doorknob to my apartment clicking, as if someone else was breaking in. My head snapped towards the entrance, and I quickly dove into the closet. God, this is where I was hiding when I saw Trevor getting killed.
Some kid with mousy brown hair snuck into the apartment and looked around, then scratched his nose. He had a pair of goggles over his eyes, making the motion a little difficult. I readied a knife, just in case he decided to start searching the place.
Of course he did. He started by shutting the door. He twitched a bit, then, he moved around the different rooms, searching for something. Maybe me?
I snuck out of the closet once his back was turned, then hurried to get out of the apartment. Hopefully he didn't hear the door open and close.
As soon as I was outside, I sprinted to a small brown bike that was left unchained by the bike racks. I steadied it, then hopped on, leaving behind the car I stole from the gas station. Did a bike count as a vehicle? If so, I was adding a third stolen-vehicle to my permanent record. The only difference was that I didn't have to kill someone and steal their keys, or hotwire it.
My mind wandered to the fact that I still had no plan. I decided to stop at a small café called 'Lucy's'. It was a cute little place, with white walls and pink curtains.
I just ordered a water, then shut my eyes and tried to think about how I was going to get Jeff out of a death sentence...
I felt the table move, so I opened my eyes to see a bright pair of goggles. Creepy. It made me jump a bit.
"S-Sorry." The boy mumbled, then pushed a strand of hair out of his face. "Did I scare you?" He asked.
I raised an eyebrow at his question. Why would he care?
"Why are you following me?" I shot back, refusing to answer any of his questions until he answered all of mine.
The waitress walked up then, interrupting him as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Can I get you something?" She asked in a chipper voice. She reminded me of Sarah. It made me a little sick, especially since I could see a spork sticking out of her pocket. Jeff would probably call me a pussy or something, but I just couldn't get the murders off my mind. I liked them, but... It still disturbed me how much I liked them.
"Hot chocolate?" He asked hopefully, glancing at me. Was he seriously thinking that I'd pay for him?
I rolled my eyes and nodded. As long as he answered all my questions, I guess I could cough up 2.49 for some hot chocolate.
The waitress nodded and left us alone.
"W-What was your q-question?" He stuttered. It didn't look like he was nervous, so I guessed it was just how he spoke.
"Why did you follow me into that apartment, then follow me here?" You repeated your earlier question.
"Well, b-because I have a m-message for you." He said. The waitress set a cup of hot chocolate down in front of him, and he started to play with the handle. I wondered if he was going to take off his mask-thing to drink it. "And... you st-stole my bike." He continued.
I glanced at the bike outside. "Oh." I said, then looked back to him. He was moving his mask back over his face, and half of his drink was gone. How did he drink it that fast? Wasn't it still hot?
I shook my head so I could clear my thoughts and focus. "So... Who are you, again?" I asked, even though I never asked for his name.
"T-Toby." He replied, twitching a bit. His hand jerked along with the twitch, making some of his drink spill.
He quickly cleaned it up, while I thought of a different question.
"What's the message?" I asked.
He glanced up at me, I think. It was hard to tell since he was wearing those goggles.
"Are y-you Y/n L/n?" He asked, probably to make sure he was giving the message to the right person.
I nodded, so he continued.
He took a deep breath, as if he was going to recite something by memory. "If y-you're planning on s-saving Jeffrey, I have a f-favor to ask of y-you." He took a moment to recall the rest of the message. "When he's s-saved, ask him to ret-turn home." He concluded, staring at me as if he was waiting for a reply.
"Uh... who is this message from?" I asked carefully.
"J-Jeff will know." He told you confidently.
"Okay... And where's 'home'?" I asked as well.
"He'll know th-that, too." He explained.
"So whoever sent that message is using you to send me a message that I'll have to deliver to Jeff?" I asked, thinking it was a little over-complex.
"Yep." He shrugged, looking down at his drink longingly. I looked away for a while so he could have another drink from his cup. When I looked back, the cup was empty.
"Well, if this person wants me to save Jeff so badly... Can't they help me out?" I requested. "I have no plan and nobody to help me." I confessed.
He nodded. "I can ask and g-get you and answer t-tomorrow." He said.
I drummed my fingers against the table annoyedly. "Why don't you just help me?" I suggested. He shook his head quickly.
"It's not up to m-me. I can ask if I c-can help, but he'll p-probably s-send another p-person, j-just to be safe." He explained. "For n-now, you should s-sleep in your apartment. I'll find you in th-the morning and let you know who's gonna b-be helping you."
It was weird to say goodbye to Toby. I barely knew him, but I was trusting him anyways. He seemed like one of Jeff's friends. I wondered how Jeff even made friends. Maybe there was social media for murderers?
I paid for Toby's hot chocolate, then head to my old apartment. I was walking this time, since Toby took back his bike. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got into some pajamas, then climbed into bed. Tomorrow I'd meet up with Toby and I'd have help and a plan to save Jeff. I slept soundly, knowing that tomorrow would be completely un-stressful.
I was very very wrong.

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