The Truth

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(A/n) so here is the next chapter sorry it took longer than expected but it was kinda hard getting everything straight for this chapter. Thank you for all the support and I want to give a shoutout (if that is what it is called up here) to Kalkari_Shadows  they have some really good books and has given me some ideas for some new books so go check them out and I do plan on trying to update The Real Monster some time next week and I hope you enjoy.
(Y/n) POV

"Raynare? That's a beautiful name." I told her and I saw her face get a light shade of pink. "Thank you." She said. I think it's time for the truth "oh yeah Thana you said you was going to tell me what was going on." I said "who's Thana?" Raynare asked. I am the death dragon empress Thana and I thank you for helping my partner. "So it was you who was talking to me."  Raynare said and started to get confused "what's she talking about?" I asked Thana. Back when you got pissed and used 10% of your power I knew you had to stop or you would've destroyed the whole city. The leaders of the of the three factions cant even handle 25% of your power so I asked for her help, you need to be careful with your emotions especially when you got pissed when someone threatened her. I've never felt so much rage in my entire life. I looked over at Raynare and saw a pink color on her face so I checked her temperature "you ok you look like you have a fever?" I asked her and she turned her head the other way and nodded. " sit down and don't push yourself " I told her. I found myself staring at her noticing how beautiful she was. It felt like I was lost in those eyes of hers.snap out of it I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head but it only made me question on why I was thinking this I mean we just met. As I sat down Thana started to tell us the story.
~ Time skip cause I couldn't think of anything ~
I was in shock about what Thana just told us I mean If what Thana said was true I had the power to destroy the world even though it would put a lot of strain on my body to go past 40% of my power. Raynare fell asleep I don't know why but I just laid her on the bench and let her sleep. A couple minutes after I laid her down she shot back up faster than the flash on his best day. " we have to run (y/n) hurry." Raynare said with fear in her voice and Raynare doesn't look like the type of girl to get scared easily. "Raynare what's going on?" I asked her " no time we have to run before he gets here" she sounded like this guy was dangerous " Who is he?" I asked her. She was about to answer but was cut off "That would be me." I turned and saw him that bitch who killed my parents.

(A/n) sorry that it was short but I will try to make them longer I just wanted to get this chapter out.

From the ashes (Ravel x male reader x Raynare) (CONTINUED BY SECONDARY WRITER)Where stories live. Discover now